Six | Let's Play

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Chapter Six - Let's Play

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Chapter Six - Let's Play

"Really, how is anybody doing this sober?" Agatha asked, covering her nose with her index finger.

The smell did not bother Wanda, Tony, Natasha, Yelena, Carol, or Y/N. For them, something worse could smell worst. Natasha offered Agatha a handkerchief because she appeared to have the most sensitive nose. As Natasha raised the sheets, Y/N and Yelena moved closer to the bodies. When the coverings were removed, the odor became worse. Vision decided to buy something for Wanda while they gathered evidence that the cops had not yet.

"Has all the evidence been gathered?" Y/N said as Yelena released their linked hands. Y/N examined the victims' wristbands, trying to ascertain if the ribbon was placed before or after the killing. Y/N has no knowledge at this point, but she knows how to make her brain work.

The victim's body is covered with bruises, but police haven't determined what type of weapon the killer/s used. The bruises were tiny and purplish-brown in color.

"Did the parents have any idea who was babysitting their child?"

Natasha shook her head 'no' as Yelena examined the body of another victim. Carol went to analyze as well, but they were inexperienced in this field. Wanda approached the body and stood close to Y/N, observing.

"Do you guys notice anything?" Tony inquired, unsure whether his decision was correct.

"I'll be honest, Chief. We have no idea how to handle this. We were criminals, and I just noticed the patterns," Y/N replied.

"What patterns?"

"Patterns such as if the kids were asleep when the torturing happened, or if their mouths were stitched after they died because I don't believe these kids suffered while alive."

"We were already aware of that."

"What do you want us to find out?"

"A murder weapon or a weapon used to cause such bruises"

As they continued to examine the bodies, the group nodded. Something catches Y/N and Yelena's attention. They appear to have used screwdrivers since there are little circle-like marks surrounding the small line-like bruises.

"Does this facility have a toolbox?" Yelena and Y/N asked nearly the same time.

"Toolbox?" Tony questioned, his gaze fixed on Natasha.

"You know, where nails and other sorts of screwdrivers were stored," Y/N said coldly.

"Nat?" Tony inquired, and Natasha left to look for a toolbox, which she found and returned to the room.

"Here," she exclaimed, handing Yelena and Y/N the tools.

When the toolbox was opened, Yelena and Y/N both went to get the same sort of screwdriver. Y/N released and let Yelena compare the length of the screwdriver's head and the tip of the screwdriver to the bruises before handing it to Y/N to do the same.

"This is the torture weapon," Y/N said.

Tony grabbed the screwdriver from Y/N's hands before doing the same thing they did. "How the fuck did you guys find that out?"

Yelena and Y/N shared a guilty look. Y/N responded, "We used screwdrivers to unlock vents or break doorknobs or door locks." She was thinking of someone who used screwdrivers to complete their mission but she felt like one thing is missing. More patterns to confirm the person. "Where was the first victim found again?" Y/N inquired, trying to connect the dots.

"Corner of a street," Natasha said, having no idea what Y/N was thinking.

"What street?" Y/N asked.


That was the street closest to the police station. Wanda and Natasha exchanged a glance. It was the street where Y/N and Wanda had their first moment when Y/N helped Wanda climb down the rooftops and bring her to the police station, but Y/N had forgotten about it. She wasn't very great at remembering places.

"I need to know something," Y/N stated before exiting the room without telling the others what she was thinking.

"Y/N," Yelena murmured as she, Carol, and Agatha ran after the youngest. "What did you discover?" she asks, taking Y/N's hand in hers.

She hates admitting it, but Tony may be correct about the assumption. The assumption of Tony that Mr. T is involved in this murder. She doesn't want to believe it.

"Where are you guys going?" Wanda inquired, Natasha and Tony, trailing after her.

Tony grinned. "Just accept that I could be correct, Y/N."

Smirking, Y/N shot him a look. "Then why didn't you arrest him? Didn't you know Wanda knew where our office was?" she questioned.

Wanda sighed, "We tried" She replied. "We tried to go to the department in search of Mr. T, Maya, and Katarina, but there was no trace of Mr. T, Maya, or Katarina when we arrived. As if the department hadn't been used in years."

Y/N's shoulders fell down. "My Apartment?" she inquired, but Wanda shook her head, letting her know that all of her things were gone, but she knew of another hideout. "I think they returned to the old hideout," she added before turning to face Wanda. Wanda gave her a puzzled look. Y/N grinned at her and leaned in closer. "Let's play," she said quietly. Y/N take a step back and gaze at the cops. "I'd want to play," she said, straightening her back. "You guys truly don't have any evidence that Mr. T is involved in this murder, right? And you have no idea where they are without me or my team, right?" she said as they nodded.

Yelena took a step closer to Y/N. "What are you doing?" she said quietly. Y/N smiled as he glanced at her.

"I miss being chased," she replied, clutching Yelena's arm. "I want to see whether my assumption is right without them noticing that I discovered something," she said honestly, looking around to check that her group was the only ones who heard her. "What do you say, officers? Would you want to play with me?" she asked, staring at the police officers in front of her group.

"What kind of game?" Wanda asked, apparently knowing what type of game they would be playing.

"Just don't lose me," she said, taking her hand off Yelena's arm. "You guys are going to play as well," she said, speaking to her group as they raised their eyebrows at her. "What?" she asked.

"Why come we're included?" Agatha questioned.

"Don't you miss running? Because I do," she said, smiling at them before running off without warning. "There are no rules—just don't lose me," she remarked as she dashed towards a street corner. Y/N wanted to find out something. She was intrigued if that specific killer knew her and gave her clues to confirm their identity.

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