One | Killings

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Chapter One - Killings

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Chapter One - Killings

I grinned as I looked out the window of the jail. It's my day out there. I look around at the cheerful expressions on my pals' faces. 5 years with them were incredible. Everything changed. I've softened and sweetened, yet I'm still the kickass chick from 5 years ago, and...

Shouldn't I be happy?

But I'm not happy.

She isn't here. Wanda isn't here. But at least she's happy. My happiness is complete in the absence of me. That is the most important thing to me. Her happiness. Even if it's not me. And no. I'm perfectly fine. I agreed the moment Natasha informed me Wanda had met someone. I knew from the start that she may fall in love with someone, and I needed to carry through on my promise. To be happy for her.

"Come on! Let's go to a bar," Carol, one of my jail buddies, shouted as we began to walk out of the prison.

This is very similar to something I've seen before. "Carol, we just came out of prison, and now you want to go to a club? We don't even have money," I scoff as I nudged her.

"Y/N! You are no fun! Your attitude says otherwise from what I've heard! What happened to the Night Monster we know!" she grumbled, rolling her eyes.

I shook my head as I listened to her whine, "I want to see Wanda."

That was the first thought that came to me when I heard of my release, I mean our release. Wanda has forgotten to pay me a visit since dating Vision. Or even protect me, as she promised she want to do. And, once again, she forgot about the first one when she found another.

"What?" I wondered as I felt their gazes on me.

Meet Yelena Belova, Carol Danvers, and Agatha Harkness, three of my inmates. Why were they imprisoned? For the same reasons as mine. They steal to make a life.

"Y/N," Yelena murmured as she reached for my hand. I know they feel sorry for me, but I don't need their sympathy.

"You know she's happy, don't you?" Agatha reasoned.

"I know, I just want to see how happy she is," I murmured.

Yelena has a sad expression on her face as she looks at me. She likes me. More than a friend. Yelena was there to protect me when Wanda wasn't. She was the one that kept Wanda's promises during our previous chase game.

As I continued to run, I looked behind me. I'll miss running with Wanda. We've been running for what feels like hours.

"What, you tired?" I asked my panting lover.

Wanda stared at me and muttered, "Can we stop? I'm exhausted," before collapsing on the ground.

"Baby, come on. We dodged the police station like three times in a row! We decided that this is the final time we will avoid it!" I chuckled.

"I don't want it to end!" she cries.

I take a glance at her wristwatch. The cuffs are causing pain in my wrists. It's almost time for dawn.

"You do realize Natasha is waiting for us just outside the police station, don't you?" I reminded Wanda.

"I just don't want to say goodbye," Wanda explained.

I sat down next to her on the ground. I placed my hands on each side of her face. "Baby, we can't keep running forever."

"I've heard that so many times, Y/N. I don't want to let you go. You've made my life so exciting. You give me thrills that I never expect to experience or feel. You pissed me off whenever I'm with you but I can't go on without you in it. Life feels so off when you're absent. It's weird but whenever I'm with you I'm home. I feel safe and I feel like nobody can hurt me because you're there to make sure I'm safe. I love you so much it hurts. I don't want to let you go"

But the moment I was in jail, she let me go. Wanda ultimately gives in, and when it's done, she's done as well.

"Baby," I whimpered. If this is difficult for Wanda, it has to be difficult for me as well. Wanda makes me happy. I don't want to see her in such pain, but we had no choice but to give up on ourselves. "Baby, you need to let me go so I can let you go," I said, my voice trembling. I smiled at her as I pressed my forehead to hers. "Now, baby, rise up and chase me; this will be the last time."

Wanda nodded, and we rose to our feet. I kiss her forehead one more before nodding. I begin running towards the police station. I heard footsteps behind me and sat on the stairs waiting for her. Natasha is sitting on a chair near the chief's office when I look for her. Wanda's arms were wrapped over my shoulders. "Come on, baby. Natasha's here. Put me in jail," I murmured as we entered the police station, holding her hand. As Natasha opened the jail door, I smiled at her. I enter and turn to face them, saying the last goodbye to Wanda.

"Don't worry, baby. I'll be here. I'm the one who will be guarding your cell and protecting you at all costs, and I won't forget to see you on my day off and whenever I can, I promise you."

Guess what? Wanda did not keep her promise. I guess I've said it too many times, but I can't just blame myself since I can't imagine my life without her. I'm not sure how long, but she's never wanted to see me since she met Vision. There are no more visits on her day off. Natasha has told me everything.

You know what? I would even consider Natasha a good friend.

I observe individuals chatting about something while staring at something on the ground as we continue walking. I also notice that blood is flowing to the ground. I don't want to be nosy, but I want to know what's going on, so I approach the people and gently push them out of the way so I can look at the ground.

There it was, on the ground. A young child's body. A young female child was found dead on the ground and almost drowned in her own blood unless it wasn't hers. I knelt and leaned over to examine the body. It makes absolutely no difference to me how awful this is.

The young female child appeared to be between the ages of three and five. I'm sure she didn't even get started on her schoolwork. She was a blonde. She dressed in a lovely purple gown and black doll shoes. The black ribbon on her wrist is noticeable, but the most horrific aspect of her body is her missing eyeball and stitched mouth. From the look of it, I'm sure that this child suffered before dying.

I straighten my posture while I listen to the people's voices. This has been going on for a time, based on the loud gossiping. Perhaps three months. It's been a year since they discovered a child's body on the ground with a missing eyeball and a sewn mouth. I return beside Yelena, my face was motionless.

"That's interesting" I commented. All of us look behind when we notice

that someone's running after us. We instinctively want to flee, but we don't have to since we know we didn't do anything wrong. It was also Natasha.

"Y/N," she says as she catches her breath. I touch her back to correct her posture.

"Are you okay?" I ask, seeing her catch her breath.

"I need to ask you a favor," Natasha said, "we want you to do something for the town."

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