"Don't worry about it. I was gonna tell you all of that sooner or later. Would you like to change your name?" Will asked. Change it... I never thought of that.

"To what?"

"Your mother's middle name was Charos," Will said.

"Hmm. Maybe. Yeah maybe I'll change it," I said. Jace steps from the classroom and attempts to run his hand through his hair. His fingers get caught and he rips some hair when he pulls the metal from his hair. Hugging himself he looked at his shoes. A wrinkled pale blue shirt and black pants. He was simple. "This has to be a joke," I said. Will isn't amused. We see Wendel talking to another student across the hallway. Students congratulate him, and so do the guards and teachers,

"Look, Lucky I just wanted to give you the heads up. Take some time to adjust," Jace said. I nod, his eyes look like they stung with tears but when Wendel ran over to us and hugged Jace's arm, He blinked away tears and had a soft smile.

"Hey, Lucy! Will, how are you two?"

"Fine," Will said with a small smile.

"Okay, what's this rumour I hear about you leaving?" I asked, trying to keep my voice from cracking or at least trying to keep it strong and steady.

"Oh, I got this wonderful invitation to teach art at the Ecole Polytechnique! Jace is taking me to celebrate! Oh, you three were my first to tell, everyone else just assumed I got a promotion. Lucky maybe one day you could go with me to see it!" Wendel perked up. The stars in his eyes. I smiled a tad.

"I'm glad... I'm so happy for you," my voice cracked. Wendel in his blind happiness smiled and jumped onto Jace who was nearly breaking down. Wendel stopped and frown. He hugged me tightly, I clutched onto him like the lifeline he was.

"I won't forget you, Lucy, I never can. I will be checking on you and I swear I'll come back," Wendel said. I closed my eyes tight as he rubbed my back. He promised to take me someday.

Will had to drop me off.

He had to drive somewhere.

He had to leave me at home. I hear the phone. No one is home. It's only me.

It's always been only me, hasn't it?

Once I heard the car speed away-

-the ticking.

"Stop," I said. My voice faltered. I watched the roof begin to slip down. The walls closing. Fingernails. I'm forced to have an erection. I scratch them, I try to scratch the hands away. Mommy said to fight back, why isn't anyone listening!?

"Stop Daddy!" I screamed. I feel him touching me. I'm dirty, I moaned but not by choice. Who the fuck is touching me. I held onto the edge of the table. Run. Run damn it!

He doesn't stop, chasing me. I heard his sinister laugh. I stopped, released and cried in pain. He continues, I can't stop the stimulation, the nails, the fingers, the biting, and I hold still as I'm being fucked over. There's no safety, there's no fucking salvation!

"Mommy! Uncle!" I begged for someone to save me.

"Oh little baby, don't you want to play doctor with your daddy?"

"Fuck you Fr-frank!" Fingers, hands, rough edging. I don't want to play! I cried and reached a chair. I throw it at the wall. The ticking stops. I look at my body. I'm dirty. Everything is dirty. "I made a mess," I whimpered. I dropped a glass cup from running into the table. The clock is broken. I kneel down and noticed my fingers were the ones touching. I'm dirty. I picked up a shard, I don't hiss when I get cut. I'm dirty.

Delinquents Can't ChangeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora