• Hurricane Victor Pt 2 •

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The next morning, Amelia woke up to voices coming from the living room rather than the familiar alarm she hears every morning

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The next morning, Amelia woke up to voices coming from the living room rather than the familiar alarm she hears every morning.
While rubbing her eyes, the girl put on her Ugg boots which sat on the floor beside the bed and her silk robe that hung behind her bedroom door. She walked outside and noticed a telenovela playing on the television and her father sitting at the dining table with a newspaper and cuban coffee.

"Papi? When did you get home last night?"
Juniors head shot up, "Hi Mija" he says, looking back down at the paper.
"Why didn't you come home early like you and Mami said you would? I waited for you guys"
She waited for a response and noticed her father was still paying all his attention to the news.

"Papi?" she repeated, only to get a hum in return.

Before she could walk back into her room, Camila entered the apartment wearing her pajamas. She shuts the door behind her, "Ah, mija! i was just at the Alvarez', i heard Victor was in town and i decided to say hello." she smiles, only to received a confused look from her daughter.
"Where were you guys last night?"
"Oh mija we finished up work earlier than we thought so we decided to go out with a few workmates."
"Why didn't you let me know? I stayed up waiting for you guys. I wanted to watch the new telenovela episode with you." she then points to the tv, "but i guess you've already watched it."

"lo siento mi niña, next time." she smiles.

"whatever. i'm gonna get ready for school."  Amelia says backing away with a forceful smile.


"Ay qué cosa linda. Gracias" Lydia thanks Victor as he pours her a cuban coffee.
"Claro" he smiles.

Penelope entered the living room, "Victor made breakfast. He told me to relax. isn't her marvellous? Someone should take him of the market." She says in a singsong tone before talking a sip of her coffee.

"Tome lupe" victor says, handing penelope a coffee.

"Goodmorning Elena, Hey i made your favourite." Victor says once noticing his daughter behind him. "Clown face pancakes!" he says holding two plates of pancakes on it.

Elena stared at the pancakes trying to hide her true emotion.

"Let me guess, you don't like clowns anymore. Or faces."

While Elena explains her decision of starting off with a protein for breakfast, Alex walks to the kitchen table and not even a second later, Amelia opens up the apartment door.

"Clown face pancakes? what!!!" Alex says, catching Amelias attention.

"Whatttt! did someone say clown face pancakes?" the girl says, dropping her school bad and high fiving
"You're just in luck Ame. I've got one more plate of pancakes!" Victor says turning around to the kitchen counter, and picking up a new plate of pancakes and placing it infront of her.

"It's about to be a circus in our stomachs." Alex says, nudging Amelia before digging in.

Alex and Amelia were now in gym. As per usual, Alex and the rest of the boys played basketball while a few girls sat at the bottom of the bleachers, the girls including Corinna, Amelia, Juju, Casey and Maria.

The girls talked about boys and shopping while Amelia was distracted, thinking about her parents.

Alex noticed Amelia deep in her thought. "I'll be right back guys." Alex says to the boys before jogging towards her.

he softly grabs her hand and walks up the bleachers to where they carved their initials.
"Alex what're you doing?"
"What's wrong"
Amelia raises an eyebrow, "What?"
"Talk to me querida." He smiles while holding her hands in his.

Amelia looks at the boy and sighs. "It's nothing Ale."
"Then what's got you all up in your thoughts." he says, leaning his back onto the wall.
"My parents. i get they're always working. but i barely see them. Like look, take last night as an example. They said they would come home early last night and i was so excited because ive been waiting all week to watch the new episodes of our telenovela, but they didn't even end up coming home until after i was asleep because they decided to go out. AND this morning they watched it without me may i add. when they were home, they didn't even decide to spend time with me, or talk to me. Sometimes it's like i barely even have parents at this point. I've probably seen your dad more than i've seen my own this week." she chuckles.

Alex looks at her in pity then takes her hand again "Do you want to stay over tonight? i'll stay up all night with you to watch telenovelas and watch the new episodes together, we can play on my new ps4 and i'll get Abuelita to make us some Arroz con Leche." he says in a warm smile, causing Amelias to look away due to her cheeks tinting pink.

Alex lifts his finger to her chin and turns her face, causing her eyes to meet his.
"Your favourite." he says in a sing song voice. "Come on Ame. It'll be fun!"

Amelia smiles and nods. "Alright, but u have to make sure you're caught up on the last two episode if you want to watch the new ones with me." she says pointing at him.

Alex raises his hands and nods, "Yes ma'am."


lo siento mi niña~ i'm sorry my girl
Ay qué cosa linda. Gracias~ oh what a beautiful thing
Tome Lupe~ take it lupe
Querida~ darling/dear/sweetheart


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