• bobos and mamitas pt 3 •

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(A.N) Mackenzie Zieglar is going to play as Anna brown :)

Amelia gently knocked on the bedroom door, waiting for a response

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Amelia gently knocked on the bedroom door, waiting for a response.
"Go away Abuelita" She says in hurt.
"No, elena its me. Amelia"

After a quick minute of silence, the door widens with Elena standing in front.
"What Ame? I'm not exactly in the right mood" she says as Amelia renters the room and sits on the bed.

"You know your Abuelita didn't mean that. She messed up her words."
"It still hurt to hear. My whole life I've been the complete opposite from her expectations. And it's always been rubbed in my face."

"But you know your Abuelita loves you and wouldn't do or say anything to purposely hurt you." Amelia smiles at the dark haired girl, and walks out of her room to find Alex.


Amelia walks into her best friends room to see him on face time with Anna Brown, a girl in their year level. They were both laughing at something that had been said before she entered the room.

"Oh hey perdedora" Alex says to her as he lowers the hand that held the phone. Amelia gives him the 'sup' nod.
"Who's that?" the high pitched voice from the phone spoke.
"Oh it's just-" Alex begins but gets cut off by Amelia.
"Sorry i'll go into the living room and wait." shortly after, she walked out and shuts the door.

She reaches the living room and sees Dr Berkowitz and Penelope having a conversation. She didn't want to interrupt but ended up catching Penelope's attention.
"Hi mija, your parents called, they said that they'll be coming home tomorrow because the trip had to get cut short" she says in a smile and rubs her shoulder.
It had been close to three weeks since she had seen her parents but didn't really get her excited like it usually would. She knew that once they had returned, they'd still be back in the office.

Instead Alex and Anna were on her mind. Amelia didn't usually mind when Alex would call his friends, but this time it was different, he never told her he was close with Anna. Was something going on? Did Alex like her? Was he keeping it from her on purpose?

The latina Mom closes the door after the conversation with Dr Berkowitz about work ended and noticed the expression on Amelias face.

"What's on your mind mija?" she asks as she sits beside at the dining table to join her.

"Oh what? Nothing, just thinking" Amelia says as she fixes her eyes on a plant to her right.

"Is something wrong Ame?

"No, I just saw Alex was on facetime with Anna and i didn't know they were friends and it just got me thinking whether he was hiding it from me that they were close. Or maybe he likes her. Or maybe she likes him." Amelia realised she had been ranting and stops talking to look at Penelope who's face was in a poorly hidden smile.

"okay, i don't want to assume this is how you're really feeling, but i have to ask. Are you jealous that he is talking to Anna?"

Amelia furrows her eyebrows and parts her lips.
"Wha- No. I-I just never thought they were close. That's all." the girl says as she looks away.

Penelope chuckles, "it's okay to be jealous, but mija, i'm pretty sure nothings going on. If there is, Alex, who has been your best friend since you were four, will tell you"

Amelia turns to face her and hugs Penelope.


The next morning, Amelia walks into the kitchen and greets everyone a good morning. She noticed that Elena and Lydia had been talking again which made her smile.
As she finishes up her egg and bacon, Penelope rushes in, "let's go! i'm late and there's going to be traffic."
"Mami how do you know there's going to be tra-" Alex asks but gets cut off when his Mom tells him to get his bag.

The kids rush out, forgetting to say goodbye to Lydia.


As Amelia and Alex enter the School grounds, Amelia notices Anna waiting at Alex's locker.
"Okay i'm going to go find Corinna" as she tries to leave, Alex grabs her arm to stop her.

"Wait. Can we talk"

"Uh, later. Lunch at the spot. 'Cause looks like someone's eager to see you" hinting to Anna.

Alex let's go of her hand and nods. Amelia walks off and finds Corinna.


At lunch, Amelia leaves Corinna and Jade to go meet Alex at their spot at the bleachers where they carved their initials.

As she enters the gym doors, she sees Alex, Hugo, Michael, Joaquin and Finn playing basketball. Alex notices Amelia, "I'll be back boys" he says as he jogs towards her.

"hey..." Amelia says as Alex approaches her.
"hey, let's go" he says as he holds out his hand for her to hold. Amelia takes his hand and he begins leading her up the bleachers to the corner, where they carved the initials.

"So... why'd we have to talk?"

"Why have you been ignoring me?"

"Um excuse me?"

"No i mean, like why have you been edgy. Are you mad at me for hanging out with Anna?"

"No of course not pendejo. Be friends with whoever you want. I just didn't know you were friends I guess."

"Oh, it was recent. Finn and I were hanging out and he introduced me to Anna. She's chill i guess."

Amelia nods, "yeah, she seems chill... Anyways i have to go meet Corinna.. because she um... what's my help"

Alex saw right through her lie, she was never a good liar, but he let her go and decided to talk to her once they were home.

pendejo- stupid
mija- daughter
abuelita- grandma

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