• Sex Talk pt 2 •

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while Amelia was getting the movie from the Alvarez apartment, Camila and Junior discussed their work schedule.
"Mi Alma?" he called out to his wife from his office.
"Yes amor?" she answers and begins walking to the door of the office.
"Do you think if Michael came in early and-" he was cut off by the front door of their apartment bursting open and instantly closing again.

"Amelia?" Camila says, turning around and poking her head out of the hallway to face the front door.
"Did you get the movie mija?"
"Oh... Uh, no. i think i might've lost it i'm not sure. I'll be in my room if you need me."

Amelia walked past her mother and into her room.

"Is she okay?" Junior whispered to his wife which she replied with a shrug.


While everything was happening, Alex was at school, completely oblivious of what was to happen once he got home.

It was the last 20 minutes of his last period and it was science. He's always hated science. Thankfully, Finn was there to keep him entertained.

He rested his head on his right arm which laid on his desk, he dozed off after a few minutes of listening to the teacher ramble until he felt someone tap his shoulder.
At first he chose to ignore it and continue day dreaming until a pencil hit the back of his head.
"Ay!" he exclaimed, instantly turning around, furrowing his eyebrows. He turns around to see Finn with his phone out.

"Is there a problem Mr Alvarez?" his teacher says, crossing her arms.
"No. No. Continue." he says, facing his teacher.
Once she had turned around to write something on the whiteboard, he turned back to Finn. "What's your deal pendejo?"
"Check the video i sent you." he quietly chuckles.
"My laptops at home, just show me it now."
Finn passes his laptop to Alex which he takes, but before he could play the video, the sound of someone clearing their throat interrupts.

"Sorry. Am i interrupting your conversation boys?"
"Yes actually we-"
Alex shoves Finn to shut up which he does.
The teacher glares at the two and holds out her hand. "You can have your laptop back after class is over."
Finn groans and hands her his laptop.

Back at the Alvarez apartment, Leslie and Lydia had now arrived back from the opera and were discussing what to do about Alex until the front door began to open. It was Alex.
He placed his key on the table and shut the door behind him, he turned around to the four adults to notice each one of them staring at him.
"Why is everyone staring at me? Is there a bug on me?" he says without emotion. "Is there a bug on me?!" he repeats with his arms out.

"No, papito, you are bug-free and perfect as always."
"Yeah. stand there so i can remember you this way."
His mother and grandmother both say.

"Finn sent me a video to check out. have you seen my laptop?" he walks towards the table but gets stopped when all four of the adults yell in unison.
"What's wrong? does it have a virus?" he asks.
"It is sick. Yes."

The front door opens once again but instead it's Amelia. She first sees Alex but before she could turn back around he calls her name. "Ame!"
She shuts the door and awkwardly smiles. "Oh hey." she chuckles.

"Why are you all acting weird? Can someone tell me what's going on?"
"Yeah i'm out."
"Yes, i should probably go too. thank you for a lovely evening " both Leslie and Schneider say, walking out of the apartment.

"Okay Alex. Sit down. We need to talk about something."
"I am going to leave." Lydia says, going behind the curtains and into her room.
"Yeah i'm going with you." Amelia follows.
"Okay... seriously. what's going on?"

"Don't worry Alex... It's nothing bad," she stops, "It's just about sex"
"Oh god!" he exclaimed, putting a blanket over his head.
"Look. It's totally natural for you to be curious about sex. if you ever have any questions, i want you to feel like you can come talk to me." she waited for answer which she never gets. "Do you have any questions?"

"Yes." he mumbles through the thick blanket. "when is this going to be over?"
"I get it. This is uncomfortable for me too. but it's important to talk about this stuff. because i just... i want you to understand that... sex can be a really beautiful experience."
Alex begins groaning in uncomfort.
"I know!! But look, there's reality then there's pornography."
"Why are you doing this to me?"
"for instance, two women with one man, it's just-"
"what? what are you talking about?," he says, uncovering himself. "you can do that?"

"Alex, it's okay. I know you were watching a video like that on the computer."
"What? No, i wasnt."
"Don't lie to me"
"I'm not lying. i'm not stupid. i know you put software into it that tells you everything i look at."
Penelope raises her eyebrows, "that's right, mister. i did order that and installed that, and that's how i found out about this."
"Mom, you gotta believe me. i would never do that. i spent my whole life trying to avoid this conversation."
"Okay. we'll then if it wasnt you then who was it?"
"Was it you?"
"No! it wasnt me!"
"No!" she says in a sour face.
"Ame? Actually no, i don't think she'd watch two women and a man. Or that she'd do it on my computer."

Before Penelope could answer her son, the front door opens with Elena. She puts her key in the table and walks in. "Hey guys! i'm exhausted, Goodnight."
she says, walking straight to her room.

Alex and Penelope both share a look, until the curtains fling open with Amelia and Lydias heads, "Elena!" they both whisper yell.

pendejo- stupid
mi alma- my soul

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