• Sex Talk pt 3 •

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Lydia and Amelia open the curtain completely and walk towards the sofa.

"Why would she watch that on my computer!" Alex whisper yelled.

"I don't know. but I can't do this tonight. everyone go to bed, im dealing with this tomorrow." the Latina mother said, burying her head in her hands.

Amelia got up from the sofa and began to walk to the front door but got stopped by Alex.

"Wait." he said, holding onto her wrist. "Are you coming to school tomorrow?"

Amelias eyes went from her wrist then to his eyes. "oh um...im not sure. ill be here in the morning if I am." she smiled and opened the front door, "Goodnight Ale"



The next day, Amelia woke from her alarm which seemed to be louder this morning. She attempted to press the stop button which didn't end up working. After getting annoyed at the blaring alarm, she sat up and tried to stop it from deafening her.

"Why-isnt-this-thing-stopping!" she said in frustration, hitting the clock between words.

She groaned and threw the clock at her bedroom door.

"Mija? is everything alright?" she heard her mother call out from the kitchen.

"Oh, yeah i'm fine!" she yelled back.

She rubbed her eyes and walked to the kitchen.

"Mami, are you and papa going to work today?" she asked while putting her hair into a bun.

"Yeah, sorry mija. we have a meeting at 8, so we can't stay." she said with a sympathetic smile.

Amelia forced a smile, "No thats alright, i'll just go to school with Alex and Elena."

She walked back to her room and got ready for the day.


Back at the Alvarez apartment, Alex and Elena ate their breakfast while the two latina women chatted away in the kitchen.

"Alex?" Elena says, nudging her little brother in attempt to get his attention.
At first he ignored his older sister and continued to eat his eggs and listen to his music.
The teen grew frustrated  and removed his headphones from his head

"What is your problem?" he said, irritated at her.

"why are they being weird" gesturing to her mother and grandmother who looked as if they were disagreeing about something.

Alex looked over at the two then back at his sister.
"Uh... no clue." he stood from the dining table and grabbed his headphones from her hands, packing his school bag with his lunch. "Anyways, i'm going to go to school with Amelia, so later."

He walked to the front door and yelled to the kitchen before he shut the door behind him, "Bye mami, bye abuelita!"

fixing up his hair, he walked across the hall, but before he could knock, the door opened with Amelia.

"Oh hey, i was just about to knock."
"Good morning" she greeted with a smile, closing the door behind her and locking it. "I have to hand in my assignment to Mr Hendrick before first period, so let's get going."

She handed him her school bag to hold onto while she fixed up her uniform. She reached into her pocket and brings out a small mirror to fix it hair.
"Amelia, don't worry you look as beautiful as always, now can we go?"

"Aw, how sweet of you." she smiled, ruffling his hair.
He instantly dropped her bag to the ground and snatches the mirror from her hands. "Nope, nope. do you know how long it took for me to get my hair perfect this morning?" he panicked, looking at himself in the tiny mirror, trying to fix his hair.

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