• this is it pt. 2 •

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Amelia was over again, not surprised. The two preteens were debating on which movie to watch, with Alex wanting to watch an action movie and Amelia wanting to watch Aladdin.

"Come on train tracks!" referring to his braces. "we watched a John Wick movie the other night, can't we watch Aladdin?" the girl complained causing Alex to roll his eyes and give in.
"fine perdedor, we can watch Aladdin" Alex agrees as his best friend thanks him by wrapping her arms around him. Alex returned the hug and wraps his arms around her waist, smiling at her joy.


As the movie was halfway from its end , Alex turns to see the expression of Amelia who sat beside him, leaning against a pillow that was slowly slipping from her head. He noticed her eyes were carefully shut and face completely rested.
The boy carefully moves his best friends head from the pillow and rests her head on his shoulder, giving her a better head rest.

As he tries his best not to wake her, he grabs his phone from beside him, letting her mom know she had fallen asleep.


The day after, Amelia woke and noticed she wasn't in her room. She slowly sits up to look for Alex who was found sound asleep on the very edge of the bed next to her.
Amelia smiles at him and gets up to go home.

Amelia reached her front door and pulls out her
phone to message Alex.

Morning train tracks, thank you for letting me stay over  <3 and for agreeing to watch aladdin!!

As she opens her door to enter the apartment, she notices both her parents who sat at the dining table, eating breakfast.

"buenos dias mi amor" her father greets as he places a plate for her daughter to sit with them.
"buenos dias papi, buenos dias mami. i'm gonna go get changed first and i'll be back" the preteen informs her parents as she walks towards her bedroom.

Amelia changes out of her outfit and into a new one for the day;

The latina returns to the dining table, noticing her parents talking

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The latina returns to the dining table, noticing her parents talking.
"cariño, no puedo dejar mi trabajo" her dad says to his wife as they continue to eat their breakfast.

"vamos mi amor, no podemos dejarla sola, and i can't forget about my business trip either." the mother replies, swapping from Spanish to English.

"Papi, where are you going?" she asks as she begins eating her breakfast.

"both your mami and i have business to do out of the state, and we can't leave you on your own mija" her father replies as he gets up to clear his plate.

"papi, hablas en serio. i can stay with Alex and his family. I'm sure they won't mind."

"i guess you could mija but we don't want to be a burden on Penelope."

"i'll ask her when i go to see Alex tonight" Amelia says with a smile to comfort her parents


After Amelias parents leave for work, she walks across the hall once again to visit her second family.
" 'cause it's about to go down!" Penelope says in excitement as she removes both hoops from her ears.

Amelia sits beside Alex on the couch.
"what's going down?" she questions as Schneider and Lydia focus on the mother and daughter.

"Elena and Mami are debating about whether Elenas going to have a quinces" the boy explains as he sits back, ready for them to start.

"the issue before us is quinces or no quinces." Elena begins. "okay" the teen days as she removes her glasses from her face and fixes up her hair.
"Mmm, listen kid! A quinces is just about the village celebrating that you're a woman, which i know you should know 'cause you're the smartest one in the family!" Elena says as she moves her shoulders in attempt to imitate her mother.

"oh, i got better moves than that, right?" Penelope laughs as she looks to her family who sat on the couch to her left. All four of them disagree with her which causes Penelope to prepare herself for what was to come next.

"But village isn't literal. it just means your family and your friends. so, what's so bad about this modern village coming together to celebrate you?" the teen states, continuing to imitate her mother.

"oh, yeah! she's good" Lydia says, pointing towards her grand daughter
"oh, my moneys on her!" Schneider exclaims as he stands up "you guys wanna start takin' bets? Actually scratch that. i'm addicted to gambling." The landlord then sits back down and remains as he was.

the two preteens look at one another and share a laugh.

"okay i'll be you." The cuban mother says as she walks towards her daughter to take her glasses and beanie and placed them on her head.
"oh my god! do you even hear yourself? seriously! your argument is that my adulthood has to be approved by your friends? Pass!" the mother confidently looks to her left expecting her families support but instead got stares from every member.

"Sorry Pen. but i don't think anyone's gonna clap for that." Amelia says not wanting to offend her.

Penelope ignores the judgement and turns to her daughter who begins speaking in a strong Cuban accent.

"So you want to crush my heart into pieces? after i work so hard to give you and opportunity in this land of the free and home of the brave?"

Penelope shakes her head at her daughters argument, "that's not me, that's her" she says as she points towards Lydia who sat their in displeasure.

"you make me sound like i have an accent" the Cuban grandmother says leaving the preteens giggling.

"let's end this, Elena, you wrecked your first communion because, as a vegetarian, you wouldn't eat the body of Christ. You even refused to take any pictures with Santa because your abuelita wouldn't admit that christmas was a pagan ritual.

"Jesus and Santa were cousins, Everybody knows this" Lydia says shaking her head as she looks at the two kids.

"so, when it comes to your quinces. I'm pleading with you. Cant you do one thing for your mother who loves you?"

"Okay, Mom, i'll do it" Penelope says leaving everyone stunned from the reply they weren't expecting.
"wait what?" the teen says in anger

"i'm saying, you win. You should have a quinces like you just proved" Her mother says, placing her daughter glasses back on her face.

all four of the  family members start laughing and cheering for Penelope as they recognise how Penelope had turned the tables.
"Dang! Mami set you up!" Alex says, high-fiving his mother who stood in front of him.

"i didn't realise how right i was, she said a bunch of stuff i didn't even think of" The mother says, continuing on cheering. "Mami, aretes" she says as she holds out her hand to her mother.

"okay this was stupid! i'm still not having a quinces."

"oh god just accept it. You're cuban, you're 15 you're gonna have a big party with a poofy dress and a bad photo. It's what we do"

Elenas anger builds up, she soon starts to rant in Spanish, yelling at her family and walking away towards her family, and slamming the door.

the family looks at each other,
"she can speak Spanish..." Lydia mentions as the room stays silent.

Perdedor- loser
buenos dias mi amor- goodmorning my love
Buenos dias mami/papi- goodmorning mom/dad
Cariño no puedo dejar mi trabajo- honey i can't quit my job
vamos mi amor no podemos dejarla sola- come one my love we can't leave her alone
papi hablas em serio- dad are you serious
aretes- earrings

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