Deadlines (Yoongi)

Start from the beginning

He put his headphones on and closed his eyes, trying to feel the music like he always did. He relaxed under the soft notes coming to his ears and let his head fall back against the headrest. Music was his whole world, a language he had known how to speak for as long as he could remember and a dear friend he knew he could count on when no one else had been there for him. So he let the inspiration flow through him and opened a new file on his computer. What if? A whole new melody appeared in front of him and he started recording all of a sudden, hoping this one could prove useful and be done in time. There really wasn't any use in looking at the time, so Yoongi avoided the corner of his screen and ignored the ticking of the clock on the wall to his left. He rapidly became hyper focused and the silence of the room was only broken by his deep breaths, punctuated by a few pensive hums once in a while. He had closed the blinds long ago to avoid any distraction, and he was not planning on going home anytime soon.

Taehyung's POV.

For once he had slept really well. He loved being at the dorm because there was always someone he could cuddle into dreamland and wake up next to, this time being Jimin. He untangled himself from the sleeping boy and the sheets and noticed the empty bed next to them. Hoseok must have been up for a while now. They had after all drank all night and gone to bed past 3, and if the sunlight getting through the window was any indication, he'd guess that it was most likely noon. So the second youngest headed to the kitchen, hearing his stomach complain at the lack of proper food and following the smell of bacon. He could see his hyungs sitting at the table and laughing at Seokjin's poor attempt to stop Jungkook from getting himself a third serving.

"See? Taehyungie's up and I bet he'd like his share! There's an apple left in the fridge if you're still hungry!" the oldest said, trying to appear serious despite the smile trying to force its way through his acting. The maknae pretended to be offended and grabbed said apple, taking a bite out of it before greeting the other.

"Good morning, hyung! Jiminie's still sleeping?"

"Yeah, you know him. What's for lunch?"

And the conversation went on, everyone making small talk about the end of their evenings and how they spent their morning. Taehyung loved the dorm. It felt safe and when the chaos of a comeback hit them he knew that this place was like a haven where he could rest and let go of any tension, trusting the members to take care of him. He smiled at the thought of the many heart-to-hearts he'd had with the others. If someone had told him ten years ago that he'd be a twenty-something millionaire living with six other men he would have laughed at the ridiculous scenario. And then he snapped back to reality and did a headcount out of habit. Four? Plus himself, plus Jimin fast asleep in his bed, that's still only six of them. Who's missing? He looked around, trying to find out who wasn't in the kitchen with them when it hit him. He hadn't seen Yoongi since the previous day. It wasn't like the rapper to stay in bed late but it had happened before, and Taehyung's first reflex was assuming that he had done so. So he headed to the two oldest members' room, expecting to find his hyung happily sleeping in, but he was met with two empty beds. Yoongi's was still done from when he had changed his sheets. Did he not come home last night? He started to worry and his legs started moving at a hurried pace until he reached the kitchen once again, asking

"Where's Yoongi-hyung?"

"He texted me last night. He said he wanted to work on something and he'd sleep at the company when he was done. My guess is he's still not awake, because he hasn't answered me yet." replied the leader nonchalantly. They knew how dedicated to producing Yoongi could be, it's something they all admired from afar. So he just nodded and went on with his day.

Hobi's POV.

It had been a productive day. He had bought a new figurine for his collection, worked out with Jimin and Jungkook and even napped for an hour. It's the sound of glass shattering down the corridor that had woken him up. Ahh Namjoon, what did you break this time? Hoseok reached for his phone on the floor and brought it to his face. 4.53pm, it said. He let himself scroll through twitter for a few minutes before opening his messages because he was suddenly hit by the nagging sense that he was forgetting something. The realisation hit him at once when his eyes fell on the conversation left open, the last message still not read nor answered by Yoongi. Something tugged at his heart and he rolled on his back. The rapper had especially been hard on himself these days, but not giving any sign of life wasn't like him. He debated whether he should intervene or not, knowing the older man would most likely resent the idea of his dongsaeng mothering him. Nevertheless, Hobi made his way down the corridor, car keys in hand, and stopped in the doorway to tell the others that he was heading to the company to go and get their grumpy rapper back.

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