Chapter 7: A Broken Bond

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Thomas' bed was in the middle against the wall. It was inbetween two doors. The door on the left, facing the wall, led to the rest of the house. The door on the right led to their closet.

Technoblade and Wilbur had bunk beds. It was sideways against the wall parallel to Thomas' bed.

Thomas was in his bed facing away from the door that led out. He didnt want to see his brothers when they walked in.

He didnt want to talk to them at all. All he would do was get attached, and then they would leave him again.

It happened everytime. Every single time.

He heard footsteps walking up the stairs, the door to his room opened.

"You awake, Thomas?" It was his father who asked. He hasn't heard his voice in two months. He almost turned around and acknowledged him, but he didn't. He pretended to be asleep.

"Goodnight, son." He said, then closed the door. Thomas almost cried.

His father remembered to say goodnight to him. 'Maybe they've changed?' He thought.

Maybe they realized abandoning them was wrong. Maybe they realized all the pain they caused him and his mother. He could only hope.

He then heard more footsteps. Two pairs to be exact.

He contemplated whether or not he was going to pretend to be alseep.

When the door opened, he stayed in his position.

"Is he asleep?" Asked a voice, monotone, must be Technoblade.

"Im not sure, Thomas?" Wilbur asked quietly, Thomas rolled over and faced them. He was still wrapped up in his blanket.

Wilbur smiled and walked in the room with his candle, Technoblade followed closely behind with his own.

"We were wondering if we can talk? We haven't seen you in a while, little brother." Wilbur spoke, his words held hope and wonder.

Thomas wanted to talk, so he sat up.

"What do you want to talk about?" He asked.

Wilbur sat down on Technoblades bed, he slept on the bottom while Wilbur slept on the top.

"Well, what did you and mom do while we were gone?" He asked, Technoblade was standing near the bookshelf looking at the different books, he was still listening in on the conversation though.

"Cried." Thomas answered honestly, he was looking down at his blanket. He didnt dare look his older brothers in the eye while admitting to the sad truth that was their family.

Wilbur's eyes saddened, Technoblade looked at his younger brother aswell.

"Why did you cry? It wasn't a sad event." Technoblade asked, Thomas scoffed.

"For you maybe. For me and mother though, we were engulfed with sadness. Our family left. No letters, no word, nothing. We just prayed to the Gods you were alive. Only to have you come home, and then you would just leave again. An endless loop of sorrow." Thomas explained, Wilbur and Technoblade were speechless.

"We didn't, we didn't know. We assumed father sent letters. Why didn't you tell us before? When we were home." Wilbur asked, Thomas gripped his blanket.

"We didn't want to stop you." Thomas explained, a tear fell down his cheek, but he wiped it away quickly.

He felt his bed dip down a bit. When he looked up, he saw Technoblade sitting on the side.

Wilbur got up from his spot on the bed and stood on the other side.

"You don't have to always worry about other peoples feelings, Thomas. If you and mother are hurt, then you need to tell us. So we can stop the pain." Wilbur said, Thomas cried a little more.

Its been so long since he last saw them. He enjoyed hearing their voices again.

"When you arrived, did you see a man leaving?" Thomas asked, he wanted to change the subject.

"A man?" Technoblade asked, him and Wilbur looked at eachother. They exchanged concerned looks.

"Yea, he was tall, wearing a brown cape. You seriously didn't see him? He was outside practically seconds before you got here." Thomas explained, the tears dried while explaining the man.

He shoved the sad emotions deep down within him.

"Thomas we never saw a man. Are you sure you saw someone?" Technoblade asked, he stood from his spot on the bed and looked outside. He was checking their surroundings.

"I talked to him."


Philza opened the door to his bedroom.

"Kristin? Are you asleep dear?" He asked quietly, she sat up in the bed.

"Where were you?" She asked, tears threatened to spill her eyes.

Philza took off his hat and held it. "With the boys, we were in a village about 50,000 clicks west." He explained.

"You left me and Thomas for two months!" Kristin whispered yelled. She didn't want to wake or bother her sons.

Philzas eyes shifted to the ground as he closed the door, setting the candle he held on the nightstand, that was beside the bed.

"Im sorry, there was a blizzard. It was bad, the village was buried in snow. I came to you as soon as we could leave." Philza explained, Kristins eyes softened.

"You cant go for months. Its damaging Thomas. He isn't joyful anymore. He barely talks or comes out of his room. He didnt fight to be here only for you and the others to leave." She explained, she thought they wouldn't have this conversation again, but they have it eveytime he comes back.

"Im sorry." He said again, that's all he ever says. He was breaking their marriage. He was breaking their family.

The conversation got halted when a knock was heard on the door.

Kristin wiped her eyes as Philza opened the door.

It was the three boys.

"Did you boys wake up Thomas?" Philza asked, Thomas looked down.

"No, he was awake when we were in there? Not the point. There was a man here earlier. Right before we got here. Thomas talked to him, and he left seconds prior to us showing up on the doorstep. We would have seen him, wouldn't we?" Technoblade ushered his concern through speaking.

"I didn't hear anyone knock? Why didn't you let me get the door Thomas?" Kristin asked, she was fully sat up in bed.

"They didn't knock. I saw them through the window. I thought it was them," He explained, "and i thought you were asleep." He continued.

Kristin sighed, "He might not have left." She said, Thomas shook his head.

"He said he would be back by mid day tomorrow. He wanted to talk to you, mother." Thomas explained.

Kristin was confused, only for a moment. Till she realized who it was.

"Philza I need you to take the boys away from here in the morning. I know who's coming. Thomas especially you need to leave. He may want one of you." Kristin said, they were all confused.

Philza understood though, "Right i will. Boys off to your rooms. We need to be ready to leave tomorrow morning." Philza instructed, the others left.

They hurried to their rooms. They didn't understand what was going on, but they did understand the urgency in their parents voices.

They needed to leave.
Word Count: 1190

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