A is for Air

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My name is Nola Penniman. I am 16-years-old and I live in London with my fathers and my three siblings. Yes, fathers.

My parents are gay. Ezra is my biological father and Fortune adopted me when they married. I call Ezra daddy and Fortune dad, but when I want something I call them both daddy.

Patrick and Nickie are my younger adopted-siblings. They are both 12. My older brother Landon, whom was also adopted, is 22.

I consider myself extremely lucky to have the two fathers that I have. They are extremely weird and embarrassing at times, but I love them. Both have done everything for myself and my sibling.

Nickie and I are currently watching daddy lecture Patrick about sneaking girls into the house at night. It is hilarious. We are both definitely enjoying this.

"Patrick, I-"

"Dad stop!" Patrick shouts as he covers his ears.

"No," daddy replies as he pulls Patrick's hands down. "Do you want a baby? Because that's what this will lead to. You're grounded!"

Patrick then gets furious at daddy and throws a chair towards him. Nickie and I back away a bit to avoid any possible injuries.

"If dad was here this would be different!" Patrick shouts as he attempts to go to his room.

"He'll be home tomorrow," daddy informs him.

Patrick's eyes widen.

"Yup. You'll be grounded for the rest of the summer when he finds out."

Daddy releases Patrick's arm and Patrick takes off to his room.

"Girls please don't laugh when I'm trying to lecture your brother.." daddy sighs with a smile.

"Sorry daddy," we say at the same time.

"Can we goto grandpa's and papa's?" I ask daddy.

He nods as he picks up the chair that Patrick threw at him. We both run over to hug him.


"Grandpa-Papa?!" We all shout as we enter their house.

"Dads are at the doctors," Emmett informs us as we enter the living room.

"Where's Ariana?" I ask Emmett as I sit down next to him.

"No idea," he tells me as he flips off the tv.

Daddy sits on the couch with Nickie and Patrick.

"How is dad?" Daddy asks Emmett.

"Fine. Well, he's been having a lot of headaches and more frequent seizures. Mika is annoying him," Emmett replied to daddy.

"Stop calling him Mika. That's weird," Nickie tells Emmett.

"Well I'm not going to call him daddy. When I say dad they both turn to look. Trying to eliminate confusion Nick."

Nickie throws a pillow at him, "don't call me that Em."

Daddy and I roll our eyes at the two. Patrick walks over and turns the Xbox on just as grandpa and papa walk through the front door.

"Hey dad!" Daddy says as he runs over to hug grandpa.

"Hey, where've you been?!" Grandpa asks excitedly as papa pulls daddy into a hug.

"Blame them," daddy jokes as he points to us in the living room.

They all chuckle and walk into the living room to hug is.

"Mika, Ariana's gone," Emmett informs papa.

"Em!" Nickie shouts.

Grandpa sighs and pulls out his phone to call Ariana. He walks out of the room to talk to her. Papa pulls me in for another hug.

"I missed you," he tells me as we part from our hug.

"I've missed you more," I tell him.

"You doing better?" Papa asks me.

Everyone quiets as they wait for me to reply. I nod my head and blush a little. He kisses the top of my head and smiles.

Last month I tried to kill myself. Thankfully daddy walked in as I was attempted to swallow some pills. I ended go in the hospital for a couple of nights and had to have a psych evaluation.

I'm my sure what triggered it, but I did it. I've been to therapy every Tuesday and Thursday since. Daddy tells dad it's his fault, because he goes away so much. Nickie thinks it's her fault, because of our occasional fights. I don't know who's fault it is. Or if it is anyone's fault. Patrick and Landon insist that I only did it for attention.

I don't know. But I do know that I'm getting sick of everyone looking at me like I'm broken. I just wish everyone would back off and give me some air.

NolaΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα