She's delusional if she thinks I'd ever hang out with her.

I turned my head to confirm Vincent was still standing by the bar, when I heard Blair's voice again, "Always the man in charge, that one." She giggled out, making her friends laugh in response, looking at me like she knew something I didn't.

I bit my cheek, "Especially in the bedroom." I giggled back out, admittedly a bit petty.

While I didn't exactly know how he was in the bedroom, these menaces in front of me didn't know that, and I wanted to rub it in their faces.

"Great, why don't you give me your phone number?" She asked, and I knew she had no intention of calling me to hang out, but nevertheless I rambled off my number that Vincent made me memorize, and she put it in her phone.

"Oh my god, I just can't believe that dress that Ella is wearing? I mean, talk about cheap." Blair started, "I figured with that much money you could buy some taste."

I'd figure with that much money, you'd buy some class.

The other girls all immediately hummed in agreement and looked at me for a response, "Oh, I thought it looked okay." I shrugged, then changed the subject, "Um, what about Donnie? Is he going Friday?"

I wasn't planning on going, but I was curious to know if Donnie got along with these women.

"Oh no! We don't invite that pretentious fruit anywhere. He's insufferable." Blair laughed outwardly, and I drowned. Who did these girls think they were, talking about Donnie like that?

"I'd rather you not speak about Donnie that way. He's been a great friend to me." I told her, and her face turned an unattractive shade of red. I decided I had enough of this socialization and nodded at the group, "Excuse me for a second, ladies."

I made my way over to Vincent who was actually speaking to the large group of men in front of him, commanding all the attention. Gosh the things I'd do to him. Lucas was standing on his right and Donnie sat perched next to him on a bar stool.

He looks miserable. The guys don't include him in conversation, and neither do the women.

Vincent was still talking to the men around him, but held his hand out, opening his arms signaling me to walk into his chest.

I pressed my front against him, laying my head on his chest and wrapping my arms around his torso, and mouthed an "I'm sorry" to Donnie, who furrowed his brows in confusion.

Vincent held me right against him, bringing his fingers through my hair. I tilted my head up and laid my chin on his chest to look at him and gave him a large smile, which he returned, giving me a kiss on my forehead before he began speaking to the group again.

Donnie moved closer to me, and I kept my position against Vincent, only moving my head and began talking, "Insufferable bitches." I giggled out in a whisper.

"That they are, but don't make an enemy out of them for me, Ezra. You need some friends."

"I have you. You're more than enough."

"Ezra." He groaned, getting emotional.

"I don't want to befriend anyone like that, Donnie. They aren't good people. Let's just be a duo, okay?" I said, reaching out for his hand.

"Vincent, I think I'm in love with your wife." Donnie laughed out from beside me, causing Vinnie to look down at me with a soft smile, "I think I am too."

I tilted my head back to look at Vincent when a voice from behind interrupted me, "Ezra?"

I quickly turned my head to face Martin Moretti, "Mr. Moretti." I spoke back as he reached his hand out to touch mine, but Vincent pulled my hand back down against him. Vincent was quick to question out next, "How the fuck do you know my wife, Moretti?"

Vincent's words caused the group around us to stop talking, and Martin looked at Vincent with his eyes wide, then back down at me and questioned, "Wife?"

I flashed him my wedding band and ring in confirmation, which caused an even more confused look on his face, "Your father had said that he would give me a call, I didn't- I thought-"

Vincent let him go on a moment longer than I though he would, before interrupting him, "You thought what?"

Martin took a couple of seconds to regroup himself, before replying, "I apologize, Vincent."

"I was just surprised to see that Ezra was married. I was under the impression that she-" he shook his head, "Never mind, my apologies."

"So you what? Thought you had a chance with my wife?" Vincent tensed under me, and Martin's face hollowed, "It, it- was months ago, Vincent."

Not using Vincent's title twice? Does he want to be pulverized?

Vincent looked pissed, I could feel his tense body from behind me, but before he could do anything stupid, I spoke, "Well as you can see I'm already married," I let out a soft laugh to cut the tension, "So all of that's in the past. Have a good night, Martin." I shooed the man away, and Vincent didn't say anything else to Martin, silently daring him to go against my words.

Martin decided to walk away, but not before glaring right at me, which I assumed Vincent didn't see because he got to keep his eyeballs.

I felt Vincent lower down into my ear, whispering, "You handled that so good, sweet girl." Which earned him a smile, and he tightened his grip on me.

After a few seconds I knew Vincent was going to excuse us from the group, so I quickly caught Donnie's attention.

"Donnie." I spoke over at him, and he answered with a "Yeah?"

"Let's do our own thing on Friday. Nails and lunch?"

Donnie hesitated for a moment in surprise, regrouping himself before answering back, "I'd love that." He responded, wide smile on his face.

"Great, I'll text the details." I smiled at him, before Vincent lightly squeezed my arm, asking if I was done talking to Donnie, and I nodded my head in a yes. Vincent excused us to the group, but not before Donnie quickly shot out, "Ezra!"

I turned my head to see Donnie giving me a huge knowing smile and telling me to call him in the morning, which of course made me blush in return.

We stopped by the bride and groom again, and I congratulated them again, making sure to compliment Ella's dress before making our way back out to our car, right as Lucas ran out in a haste, calling mine and Vincent's name, "Ezra! Vincent! Hold on a sec!"

We both turned around, confusion on our face when Lucas spoke again, "Thank you Ezra, I don't think you understand how much that in there meant to Donnie."

"Of course, I love hanging out with Donnie." I answer.

"No, no, he appreciates that of course! But I mean choosing him over those heinous women. No one has ever done that for him, and I just- I know how excited he is to have you, so I just wanted to say thank you for making my husband so happy."

"Donnie has helped me with a lot, and I'm honored to be his best friend. I don't need a thank you for it."

We got into the car but didn't say much on the way home. I held Vincent's large hand in mine, tracing over his small scars and tattoos.



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