Chapter 34

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AN: After this chapter will be the "epilogue" or the last chapter, if you will. This is also the longest chapter so far (I don't know how long the last chapter will be exactly) I hope you don't mind.

Now have fun and prepare for pain :]


With a scream, Karl landed in the arms of a distressed-looking Wilbur.

"I'd like to ask you what you're doing so high in the sky, but I'll pass. Got other problems right now," the Avian said as he flew through the air, slowly but surely getting closer to the ground.

The world around them was on fire, broken parts of the ship were lying around everywhere, trees had collapsed and there were huge cracks in the ground amidst the landscape. Cautiously, Wilbur flew over the burning ground and tried to get closer to the forested area. Most of the trees nearby were already completely on fire. With a loud creaking sound, they hit the ground near Wilbur and Karl and were consumed by the flames.

Above them in the sky, several smaller and larger ships could be seen rising into the sky. They were the angels who had managed to escape alive. Everywhere on the ground, Karl could see corpses and for those that were not already charred, Karl tried obsessively to identify if they were any of his friends. The good thing was that at least Wilbur was alive.

After a while they were able to leave the battlefield behind them and in front of them in the middle of the forest, Karl spotted the demons. Even though he couldn't recognize Quackity and Sapnap yet, it was a relief when he sighted Tommy and Tubbo first. After Wilbur landed, Karl rushed directly to the two, whom he immediately received in a hug. They looked sad and tired, but he was so glad they were still alive.

The two, who were obviously covered with wounds, murmured soft words that they were glad Karl was still alive and had already thought he was dead. Then something was revealed that he had expected but still hurt, even more, every time.

Ranboo had died trying to protect Tubbo from an attack. Karl knew the hybrid blamed himself, so he hugged him tightly and left the two alone after a while so they could continue to mourn in peace without him interfering.

With aching chest and tears in his eyes, Karl stumbled on, still dazed from the flight and the encounter with DreamXD. In the middle of the makeshift camp, which consisted of several damaged small tents and a place with a campfire and supply crates in the middle, he met more demons. At the campfire, Philza and Technoblade were standing and talking. The two looked as unharmed as ever, and Karl was not surprised that they were still alive. They were the only ones he had never seen die.

When they spotted Karl, Technoblade instantly fell silent and Philza turned to Karl. There was something on the tip of his tongue that he didn't want to say, and the worldshifter was immediately overcome by an uneasy feeling.

He quickly said goodbye to them and made his way to the infirmary tent. Just as he walked around the tent to the entrance, his heart began to leap with surprise.

Just a few feet across from the entrance to the tent sat Sapnap, leaning against a tree. Several times Sapnap ran his hand over his face, which was drawn with exhaustion. After noticing someone watching him and spotting Karl, he struggled to his weak legs.

Overwhelmed with relief, the two ran toward each other. With only one foot between them, they stopped, not daring to touch the other, fearing it was only a hallucination that would disappear immediately upon contact. A wide grin of relief beamed against Sapnap's cautious smile.

"You're alive!" they both gasped out breathlessly and immediately both fell into light chuckling. Sapnap was the one who, after his laughter disappeared, took the other in his arms. Immediately Karl nestled into the embrace. With his head snuggled in the crook of the other's neck, the two remained that way. He could feel the blaze trembling under the touch and showering the world shifter's matted brown hair with soft kisses.

Serendipity (Karlnapity Fantasy AU)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin