Chapter 15

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At first, he didn't believe them. With a nervous chuckle, he grabbed the blankets and threw them away, revealing his lower body. His body trembled when he saw it. Where two legs should have been lined up side by side, one leg was submerged in bandages, and next to it was a sad stump. Quackity cried out, thinking he was dreaming.

Philza and Awesamdude's voices faded into the background as they tried to calm the boy. His head was racing with thousands of thoughts. To prove to himself that all of this wasn't real he launched himself out of the bed and before Sam or Philza could react he slammed to the floor. A scream escaped him as the stump was still a stump and he probably wouldn't wake up.

Sam was immediately at his side as tears streamed down his cheeks and his vision blurred before him. As much as he longed for comfort, the rage inside him was just greater, so he pushed the professor away from him. His wings erected and the healthy one flapped wildly in the air.

"You should have just let me die!" he shouted, mainly addressing Philza. The principal remained silent, only widening his eyes in surprise.
"What am I worth now? I can't fly, I can't walk..." his voice broke and his shoulders slumped. 

Quackity buried his face in his hands and noticed two arms wrap around him and lift him off the ground. Professor Awesamdude had picked the boy up off the floor and was holding him in his arms with his eyebrows drawn together. Phil looked down at the Duck hybrid and sighed. He felt overwhelmed and out of place. The two professors exchanged a few glances, and when Sam firmly informed him that everything was under control, Philza turned to leave. He said nothing more to Quackity, knowing that anything he might say now would not help.

Left with Sam, the boy cried his heart out, gripping the clothes of the professor. Sam waited until the Duck hybrid calmed down and only little hiccups escaped his mouth. Carefully, he set him down on the bed.
"Should I get Sapnap and Karl?" he asked the boy, his hands in his pockets, but Quackity shook his head. 

So he sat down next to the boy and tousled his black hair. It worked to make the hybrid smile.
"Why are you here, anyway?" asked Quackity. Sam was startled and looked across the room as if the answers were somewhere in the room.

"Well, when Philza told me about the accident," Sam said, "I was shocked. I had to check on you... " Quackity was silent, his gaze fixed on his stump. When Sam stood back up, he put both hands on the boy's shoulders.
"Also, I'm going to build you a prosthetic so you can walk, run and jump again," he explained, gaining eye contact with the hybrid, whose eyes glistened with tears.

"Really? Isn't that illegal?" gasped Quackity, and Sam rolled his eyes.
"We're at war! Besides, even if it wasn't I wouldn't give a fuck about those angels. I'll make you a prosthetic and the angels can't do anything about it.", it worked to make him laugh.

For a long time, Quackity didn't feel cold and alone, despite the pain and loss. Sam turned to leave, but before he left the door he turned to the hybrid again.
"See you tomorrow, kid.", they waved goodbye and even though Quackity was still crying, he felt much better than before.


Over the next two weeks, it seemed like everything was slowly recovering. Quackity's injuries healed faster and faster thanks to Technoblade's potions, and even though he couldn't stand on one leg yet, his wings were at least completely healed. The house was always bustling with people leaving and entering almost every hour. 

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