Chapter 29

101 13 22

TW: this could be slightly disturbing


He admitted that the idea hadn't been properly thought out, but it had gotten him to where he wanted to be. With a sigh, Quackity leaned his booming head against the wall and stared up at the ceiling. He found himself in an empty room, the walls around him plastered with huge monitors that were turned off, and a large lamp on the ceiling, its glare trying to cauterize his eyes.

His face was reflected everywhere in the monitors. Between the small birthmarks and the individual strands of hair that fell into his face, one recognized small bruises. His forearms, as well as his torso, were covered with large bruises and a long gash that stretched across his wing. Maybe Sapnap was angry right now that he had sneaked into the angels' ship without his permission. But Sapnap would never have agreed to this plan anyway.

"We still have a chance. The entrance is open and unguarded!" protested Quackity, pointing to the Angel ship not far from them. While Sapnap was away, he discussed the plan to sneak into the Angels' ship to wait for Karl to return and then break out with him from inside. It was dangerous and to be honest a pure suicide mission, but they had no idea how much time they had left before the angels would cross the sea. As long as they discussed it, no one agreed to let the other go.

"I think Tubbo and I fall outside the criteria already. We don't really look like angels," Ranboo said, pointing with a sufficient hand gesture to their hybrid features, such as the horns, the different colors of skin, and the long ears. In response, only Tommy's short laugh rang through the air. The chicken hybrid turned to his bigger brother, a grin on his face.

"Your wings are too big, you're instantly recognizable," the blond-haired boy said.
"I helped Dream! He thinks I'm on his side. Let me go!", Wilbur's voice was strained and he let his gaze wander around the group. No one was happy with the idea of sending someone to the angels who had been disloyal to them before.

"I'll go. I can hide my wings under my coat, and my prosthesis gives me the advantage of looking like an angel, at least for a short moment," Quackity declared, and was about to sign off the discussion as over when the snowy owl in front of him puffed out its wings.
"You want to go?", you could detect the slight hint of mockery in Wilbur's voice at the word "you".

"In his defense, I and Tommy mistook the duck hybrid for an angel first, too," Tubbo interjected, throwing the duck hybrid an apologetic smile. He wanted to smile back but the loud and shrill laughter of Wilbur made everyone flinch.
"Please! That leg doesn't look like one of the angels' machine parts, it looks like a little kid was playing dress-up," Wilbur laughed. Just for a brief moment, Quackity wondered if murdering his own kind would be appropriate at this point.

In the end, it didn't matter what Wilbur had said, Quackity had managed to convince everyone. Before he stepped into the stomach of the ship, however, Tubbo handed him a dangerously sharp-looking dagger. When asked where he got it, the Ram hybrid replied with a "Don't worry about it".
His smile looked anything but calming.

It was almost completely dark inside the ship. The few lights that flickered sporadically created a certain coldness that clung to his body. Quackity suspected that most of the angels must be colorblind or just plain boring because the entire interior of the ship was limited to the colors gray, black and white. He was not surprised that Karl had adopted the colors of his surroundings. It seemed as if just being here would rob him of all vitality and color. Careful to make as little noise as possible, he crept through the endless hallways. The few doors he found on his way were locked.

Just as Quackity turned into another flight, already convinced he was lost, he spotted a staircase at the end. He held the dagger tighter and walked toward it at a quick but slow pace. Several times he looked behind him, afraid that someone was following him. He noticed how his instincts spoke up and he had to suppress his hidden wings from rising up under his coat. He was about to put his first foot on the stairs when a heavy metal door opened behind him. Immediately his whole body was flooded with panic and he decided to sprint up the stairs. The aggressive clicking of his prosthesis on the stairs could be heard through all the corridors.

Serendipity (Karlnapity Fantasy AU)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin