Chapter 24

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Lexi shivered as she slowly walked home to her apartment late Tuesday afternoon. A minor ice storm had taken place last night, leaving a thin sheet of ice on the sidewalks. She took each step carefully to avoid slipping and falling. The last thing she wanted was to hurt herself or embarrass herself— or both.

She sighed with relief when she finally made it to her apartment complex. She'd managed to make it without slipping once. She walked to her unit and dug through her coat pockets for her keys.


"Felipe, please hear me out."

Oh, come on, Lexi thought. She kept a curse from leaving her lips as she walked away from her apartment. I just want to go home, for God's sake. I should give them some privacy, though.

With that plan having gone up in flames, Lexi began a slow and careful trek to The Bean's Knees. It took longer than normal due to the icy sidewalks, but she made it eventually. She found a seat inside the café and bought a small black coffee.

I guess I'll churn out some homework here, Lexi thought. Might as well.

She pulled out her laptop and began typing out her notes from the two lectures she had attended earlier that day. She did so while listening to music from her phone with wireless headphones. Soon, Lexi got into a comfortable rhythm of scanning her handwritten notes before typing them out on her laptop. She paused periodically to either adjust the volume of her music or sip on some coffee. The familiar environment brought her immense comfort while also keeping her warm from New York City's chilly winter weather.

It was about an hour into her time at The Bean's Knees when Lexi suddenly received a text from her roommate. She paused what she was doing to read it.

Nikita: Hey, could you please find another place to stay tonight? Like at Isaac's or something? It's a long story.

Lexi groaned but tried to avoid sending an irritated response.

Lexi: Sure, see you tomorrow!

Nikita: Thanks, Lexi! I owe you one.

With the conversation now over, Lexi shot a quick text to Isaac. She knew he had class for another hour but figured that he'd respond to her anyways.

Lexi: Hey. Soooooo I've been banished from my place by Nikita.

Isaac: lol nice

Lexi: Tell me about it. May I please stay over at your place tonight?

Isaac: Of course! I'll be home in like an hour.

Lexi: Sounds good. See you then!

Lexi sighed while stretching her arms out over her head. As annoying as it was to not be able to go home today, she didn't mind a chance to stay at Isaac's place. Besides, it's not like she had any other options available.

Hopefully, DeShawn won't mind me coming over, she thought before resuming her notes.


An hour later, Lexi left The Bean's Knees for Isaac's apartment. She carefully yet quickly walked there to keep him from waiting. He let her inside as soon as she arrived. She shivered a little as she took off her coat and boots.

"God, it's so fucking cold out today," she remarked.

"Tell me about it," Isaac responded. "All the ice outside doesn't help either."

"No kidding! Am I glad to be here."

"Me too."

The couple embraced and shared a tender kiss. They then settled themselves on the living room couch.

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