Chapter 21

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Cassie didn't return to her New York City apartment from winter break until the weekend before second semester was set to begin. She arrived there with her father in tow to find Mariana already getting situated in her bedroom. She was with her parents, who happily greeted Cassie.

"Hi, Cassie!" Mariana added in a wide smile.

"Hey! So nice to see you again, girl!" Cassie replied in a singsong manner.

Mariana and her parents then went off in a different direction. Cassie bit her lip and cursed to herself. Having to act so fake to her best friend was so uncomfortable, especially with both their parents around.

God, I hate having to act so nice to Mariana when we're fighting, she thought.

She then got herself situated in her apartment with her father's help. They were far enough out of earshot from Mariana and her parents while getting organized in the kitchen. They put groceries away and made sure everything was in its place.

"I'm so glad you two have been able to live together since coming to NYU," Cassie's father suddenly said. "The fact that you two have been friends since grade school is amazing."

"It sure is," Cassie replied softly. "I really love living with Mariana."

Her father noticed how distant she sounded. "Is everything okay?"

"Hmm? Oh, yeah, I'm fine. Just tired, that's all," Cassie lied.

She and her father finished getting situated about an hour later. By that time, Mariana was saying goodbye to her parents. Cassie and her father quickly returned to her bedroom to give her best friend and her family some privacy.

"I guess this is goodbye— again," her father remarked.

Cassie nodded. "I guess it is."

"I'm sorry your mother didn't come like she'd promised," her father replied. "I—"

"It's fine," Cassie interjected. "You're here, and that's all that matters to me."

Her father grinned. "I love you, sweetie."

"I love you too, Dad."

Father and daughter shared a loving hug before the former exited her bedroom. Cassie saw him off before turning her attention back to Mariana. She was now in her bedroom with the door wide open. Cassie's smile fell in an instant. She and Mariana stared at each other for a couple of minutes without saying a word. If looks could kill, both of them would have been dead in an instant.


Cassie raised her eyebrows. "What?"

"You know what I'm about to say," Mariana commented.

"Is this about the last conversation we had over winter break? The one over text?"

"Yeah, of course."

Cassie shrugged. "I really don't know what the hell else you want me to say."

Mariana's laugh held sarcasm.

"I'm serious, Mariana," Cassie added. "I've apologized for what happened so many times. And I meant it every single time too."

"I want to believe you, Cassie. I really do. Honestly though... I'm more exhausted than anything else."

Cassie raised her eyebrows. "Exhausted?"

"I'm exhausted from cleaning up so many of your messes," Mariana clarified. "I'm sick and tired of having to deal with you making a scene. Hell, just watching you throw a fit is exhausting in and of itself. I've had it, Cassie. I'm beyond fed up with it."

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