Chapter 5

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A few weekends later, Isaac left his apartment to walk up to Lexi's apartment. They had previously agreed to meet up that day to hang out together. He had texted Lexi to confirm that they were still on for today, and she had sent him a brief reply to confirm their date. His walk to Lexi's was brief and uneventful, but he didn't mind. He was too eager to get to her place as soon as possible.

Once he made it there, Isaac buzzed the apartment in question. However, Lexi didn't answer the door. Isaac frowned. He was a little early than anticipated, but he figured that Lexi would've been fine with that. He grabbed his phone and sent her a quick text.

Isaac: Hey, I'm at your place. Did you go out or something?

A few minutes passed before a flustered Lexi answered the door. Her hair was in a messy bun, and she had on comfy clothes as opposed to a nice outfit.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry," she announced as she ushered Isaac in. "I was listening to music and didn't hear the door."

"It's okay, babe," Isaac stated. "Are you busy?"

"No, it's nothing," Lexi replied. She opened her mouth to continue speaking but appeared to change her mind.

"What's wrong?"

"Look, I'll show you what I was doing if you please promise not to tell anyone else, okay?"


"Isaac, I mean it. I'm not joking," Lexi insisted.

"I promise, Lexi," Isaac said. "I know better than to spill your secrets to anyone."

Lexi appeared to visibly relax, though only a little bit. "Thank you. Here, it's in my bedroom."

Isaac followed his girlfriend into her bedroom. The bed was empty, save for a couple of pillows and a small stuffed bear. Her closet door was closed, leaving Isaac to only guess how full it was. But when he spotted her desk, he noticed just how different it was compared to the rest of her room. While the rest of Lexi's bedroom was relatively clean, her desk looked like a mess of papers and electronics. A pile of cue cards sat to the left of Lexi's laptop, with multiple pen colours visible on the cue cards. Her laptop sat on a silver laptop stand and was currently charging. A hot pink keyboard was connected to the laptop through a USB, as well as a matching hot pink mouse. On the right were a half-full coffee mug, Lexi's phone, and some pink wireless earbuds.

"Wow, you seemed very busy," Isaac finally remarked. "Were you doing homework just now?"

"No, that's not what it looks likes," Lexi said with a nervous laugh. "Otherwise, I wouldn't care who knows about it."

"That makes sense," Isaac thought out loud.

"Actually, this is the book I'm working on," Lexi confessed.

Isaac's eyes went wide. Before he could think of how to respond, he took in Lexi's demeanour. She chewed on her lower lip and kept looking down at the floor with her arms crossed. He quickly realized just how much sharing this meant to her.

"Wow...I didn't know you were doing this," Isaac said.

Lexi's laugh was one of amusement. "I didn't tell you."

"Right, right," Isaac replied. He gave his head a shake and sighed. "Sorry, I wasn't thinking."

He then took a seat on Lexi's bed. She sat beside him a moment later, only moving to face him directly.

"May I ask what it's about?" Isaac inquired.

"Only if you promise not to judge me," Lexi countered.

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