Chapter 13

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Cassie was still fuming over the events that transpired at the Halloween party even a couple of days after everything happened. Every insult Lexi had thrown her way had been branded onto her brain. She couldn't believe that her sworn enemy had been bold enough to say such nasty things directly to her face. Last year, she hadn't handled things as well. But this year, she had clearly returned to New York University with a shiny metal backbone.

She's definitely gotten bolder, that's for sure, Cassie thought.

These thoughts continued to plague her mind as she entered The Bean's Knees to get some work done after class. She looked around for an empty table to claim as her own, only to see an all too familiar face yet again.

Lexi was sat at a table in the middle of the coffee shop, working away quietly on her laptop. She only paused here and there to sip on her coffee. She didn't seem too concerned with her surroundings, as she didn't notice Cassie staring at her intently.

Nope, she thought, I shouldn't bother her. I know everything Mariana said at the party is a point. But God, I fucking hate Lexi!!! And after everything she did to me at that damn Halloween party...

Cassie couldn't finish that last thought. Her hands had already become fists and her eyes had narrowed too. She marched right up to Lexi's table without a moment's hesitation.


Upon hearing her name called, Lexi looked up. Her gaze turned sour the moment she laid eyes on Cassie.

"What do you want now?" she asked. "I'm kinda busy right now."

"I don't care," Cassie snapped. "I just want you to know that I didn't appreciate you embarrassing me at the Halloween party the other day."

Lexi appeared to be confused. "I embarrassed you?"

"Are you stupid?! You insulted me and then told me that I'm ugly on the inside! You made me look so stupid in front of everyone. I can't believe you had the nerve to do that to me!"

"You honestly think I embarrassed you?"

"Obviously! Jesus Christ, you're dumber than I thought!"

Lexi laughed and shook her head. "No, Cassie— you embarrassed yourself all on your own. I didn't embarrass you whatsoever. You embarrassed yourself the minute you started going off on me that night. Your yelling and bitching are what caused others to stare at the two of us. You caused that. I just stood up for myself, and there's nothing wrong with that."

Cassie scoffed. "Nothing is ever your fault, isn't it?"

"That's rich coming from you of all people," Lexi retorted. "You've never apologized to me for every insult you've thrown in my face, or for every confrontation that you started. I'm not just referring to this year either— I'm also talking about both first year and second year too. You've never taken responsibility for any of that shit."

"You don't deserve an apology at all," Cassie sneered. "Besides, it's not like you belong here in the first place."

"What the hell are you talking about now?"

"You don't belong here in NYC. Why don't you just go back to Cali already? NYU isn't for you."

Lexi pretended to think it over. " thanks. But thanks anyway." She then laughed and resumed looking at her laptop.

Cassie crossed her arms over her chest. "I told you this wasn't over, and I fucking meant it. I hate you, Lexi. I'm gonna do everything possible to make your time in NYU a living hell."

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