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The next morning breakfast concluded with a request from Y/N that Hermione was only too happy to oblige.

The couple headed to the library. Y/N had spent a lot of time the previous afternoon trying to mentally sort through all the revelations he had been given the past few days.

He concluded that he accepted Gellert Grindelwald was his grandfather. He hated it, but he accepted it. He probably wouldn't have been so willing to if it wasn't basically confirmed by Severus, but he trusted his Godfather beyond reproach. It definitely made it easier that Hermione wasn't the slightest bit affected by the news. Y/N smiled to himself at that thought. He definitely didn't deserve that girl.

The facts seemed to imply Snape was correct anyway. Y/N's visions had been correct the whole year, he found Hermione in the exact same position and the exact same location as he saw in his dreams. It was just for the fact that he was so emotionally affected that he didn't realise- in his vision she wasn't dead- she was petrified.

He had also had the incident with Quirrell and the 'Protego Diabolica' as Snape and Albus had put it. No one had seen the spell used in 50 years, and very few even knew of its existence. Y/N certainly hadn't heard of it, or had any clue how to cast it, but in a time of extreme desperation he was able to summon it. That surely meant that there was some connection to Grindelwald. It may even have been some other hereditary skill he wasn't yet aware of.

Finally there was the Elemental Magic. If Y/N hadn't thrown the fireballs out of his hand he never would have believed it. He knew it was possible to summon small amounts of the elements, he had done it himself. But to do so in such large quantities and with such devastating force, without needing a wand. Well...

Y/N hated his grandfather. Everything Grindelwald fought for was the opposite of all Y/N believed in, what his father died for. But damn it, if he was related to the prick he would use Grindelwald's genetic legacy to ensure the safety of as many Muggleborn and half breeds as he could, while slaughtering as many blood supremacist arseholes as he was able to.

It was beautifully ironic, in a twisted kind of way.


Y/N and Hermione arrived at the library and were not the least bit surprised to see they were the only students in there.

Y/N was surprised at how polite and, in truth, delightful, Madam Pince was when greeting the pair. Usually she was extremely grumpy towards students, and Y/N had riled her up in amusement in the past.

Irma Pince though did like Hermione a great deal... and Y/N did literally save her job only 72 hours prior. She smiled at the two and asked what she could help them with, her face quickly dropping not long into the conversation-

"So what brings you two here? Exams cancelled, classes finished, Surely you're not getting a head start for next year already?" Pince asked with a chuckle.

Y/N looked across at Hermione and smirked to himself, watching as the cogs worked over in her mind at the librarian's suggestion. He spoke politely:

"No Madam Pince, I actually need to look up a few subjects that may be.. questionable and I'd prefer it if we could be.. discreet about it, at least regarding staff and students other than Dumbledore and Snape."

Pince's eyes narrowed at Y/N before an eyebrow raised:

"What exactly are you hoping to research, Y/N?"

Y/N smirked. He knew this wouldn't be easy.

"Firstly, I need anything you have on Elemental magic, particularly on summoning and controlling it. Secondly, if you can point me in the direction of being a Seer and particularly dream interpretation and vision control?"

For You I Will #2- The Chamber Of Secrets Where stories live. Discover now