Breaking Point

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The rest of the day was quiet. When the three boys went for their detentions Hermione stayed in the common room and chatted with Lavender and Ginny.

Harry got sent to the Hospital wing with Crabbe, both had to scrub bedpans by hand. Ron had to go to the trophy room with Filch and polish every cup, shield and trophy. Y/N was sent to the Dungeons where Severus was waiting with a smile.

"Pull out your copy of Advanced Potion Making, Y/N. For your detention this evening you will be brewing an Elixir to Induce Euphoria."


Y/N and Hermione were sat in the Great
Hall having breakfast. Y/N had had another intensive and gruelling workout and was currently refuelling his body as he scooped out large chunks of Avocado flesh. Hermione looked at the look on Y/N's face.

"You're not enjoying that are you?" she asked with a worried look.

"Not like this no 'Mione. It's got a very strong taste" Y/N chuckled.

Hermione grimaced as he took another bite:

"So why eat it then?"

Y/N chuckled.

"It's got a lot of nutrients and good fats. Bite, chew, swallow, repeat."

Hermione sighed and nodded as she went back to her oatmeal.

A couple of minutes later a magnificent red bird flew into the Great Hall and up to Y/N. He recognised the bird immediately and smiled, taking the letter from the bird's leg and thanking him. The Phoenix rose as Y/N heard:

I'll see you soon Y/N L/N

Y/N smiled before nodding at Lavender, Harry and Ron who had arrived and sat with the couple. He opened the note and spoke without expression in his voice or on his face:

"Well I won't be volunteering at the Reserve this year"

Y/N placed the note in his pouch as the others gasped in surprise.

"Why not?" Hermione asked shocked and saddened "You were so good there"

Y/N smiled as he looked into Hermione's eyes.

"I couldn't get permission for you to accompany me Hermione. Dumbledore thought it was too much of a risk in case we got separated in there. I can't risk leaving you so often, so I won't be volunteering."

Hermione was bewildered. Why was Y/N going to this extent? She would be fine to be watched by the others for a couple of hours.

"We can watch Hermione Y/N" Lavender said surprised, her thoughts obviously mirroring Hermione's.

"Yeah we're not useless" Ron snapped.

"Seriously? I'll be fine Y/N. You need to-"

Hermione was cut off as Y/N roared:


Everyone in the near vicinity jumped. Even Hermione jumped. Y/N looked at her horrified:

"'Mione I'm sorry I never meant to yell at you. I'm sorry, I'm sorry"

Hermione rushed Y/N with a hug, deeply concerned. He would never yell at her. The look on his face. The terror in his voice. She squeezed him tight, one hand round his back, the other on the back on his head, holding it tight as his face buried into her neck. The others watched, greatly concerned. Y/N seemed to be losing the plot.

"Hey it's ok, Y/N it ok. Shhh" Hermione whispered as she looked at Lavender from the hug, they both exchanged extremely worried glances.

Hermione felt Y/N's erratic breathing slow in the hug and when it seemed like he had calmed she released the hug and looked at Y/N, concern etched on her face as she took his larger hands in hers.

For You I Will #2- The Chamber Of Secrets Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora