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Harry and Ron walked towards the Forbidden forest, Fang at their heels. Ron whined about spiders and butterflies and Harry tried to ignore him. This would be so much easier with Y/N he thought to himself.

They walked deeper and deeper into the forest and heard the wind whistling through the trees and creatures moaning and howling in the distance.

"Can you imagine being nine and dumped in here and having to survive all by yourself?" Harry asked Ron.

Ron whimpered. Harry took that as a no. They kept walking deeper and deeper into the foreboding forest, following the trail of spiders. The arachnids now numbered in the thousands and were all heading towards a single location.

Ron reiterated again that he didn't like this. Harry simply grunted at him before noticing the spiders were all heading down into a hole... or a lair.

"Can we go back now?" Ron whimpered pathetically.

"No. Now come on" Harry growled. He was really running out of patience with Ron. It was scary, he got it, but Ron needed to grow a bloody backbone. Harry suddenly realised Y/N was rubbing off on him and chuckled.


Harry walked down into the lair and Ron and Fang reluctantly followed. They ended up in a large den and looked around. There were hundreds of three to four foot spiders surrounding them. The two boys could hear excited whispers before Harry exclaimed "Acromantulas!" in realisation.

The boys heard a loud crunching sound and a loud, deep voice bellowing from a dark corner of the den.

"Who is it?"

Fang barked and Harry whispered to Ron not to panic. The voice sounded closer as it spoke again:

"Hagrid? Y/N is that you?"

A giant spider now appeared in front of them, at least a dozen feet across and eight high.

A giant spider now appeared in front of them, at least a dozen feet across and eight high

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"We're friends of Hagrid and Y/N" Harry called out. Ron whimpered and nodded in agreement. They slowly backed up from the beast.

"And you... you're Aragog.. you're an Acromantula aren't you? Y/N told me about you" Harry said with a smile.

"Yes. Hagrid has never sent men into our hollow before. Y/N ventured here when his brother abandoned him but he never sent men either."

"Hagrid's in trouble. Up at the school there's been attacks. Y/N's... mate... has been attacked. They think Hagrid has opened the Chamber of Secrets like he did before."

Ron looked around to notice hundreds of spiders surrounding them before he jumped at Aragog's angered roar:

"That is a lie! Hagrid never opened the Chamber Of Secrets."

Harry was puzzled as he asked the arachnid: "Then you're not the monster?"

"No. The monster was born in the castle. I came to Hagrid from a distant land in the pocket of a traveller" the gigantic spider replied.

Ron whimpered "Harry!" and clawed at the bespectacled boy in fear. Harry though brushed him off as he continued to speak to Aragog:

"But if you're not the monster then what did kill that girl 50 years ago?"

Arogog replied in fear:

"We do not speak of it. It is an ancient creature we spiders fear above all others."

"But have you seen it?" Harry asked.

"I never saw any part of the castle, but the box in which Hagrid kept me. The girl was discovered in a bathroom. When I was accused Hagrid brought me here."

Ron whimpered again... "Harry....!"

"What?" Harry ran out of patience and snapped at Ron. Ron whimpered and motioned to the ceiling.

Harry looked around and just at that moment realised how much danger they were in. He looked back at Aragog.

"Well, thank you. We'll just go now."

Ron nodded and the boys stepped backwards as Aragog chuckled:

"Go? I think not. My sons and daughters do not harm Hagrid on my command, but I cannot deny them fresh meat that wanders so willingly into our nest."

"But what about Y/N?" Harry asked in desperation.

"He is our friend. He helped hunt food for my children when he was here. But you are not Y/N!"

Shit! Harry thought to himself as Aragog concluded:

"Goodbye, friends of Hagrid and Y/N!"

Aragog slowly disappeared from sight, backing into the darkness as the baby Acromantulas edged closer and closer to the frightened boys and dog.

"Know any spells?" Ron asked as they were circled.

"One, but it's not powerful enough for all of them" Harry replied.

"Where's Y/N and Hermione when you need them!" Ron whined again. A spider was about to pounce on the pair but before it could it was distracted by a loud beeping and roaring engine.

The car they had stolen all those months ago came roaring into the den and the three of them jumped into it, it quickly drove away with spiders leaping onto its roof and doors.

Harry desperately tried to remember the exact incantation Y/N had taught him to use only in absolute emergency when they discussed Acromantulas. He had seen Tom use the same spell in his vision.

It finally came to him and he fired it out the car window.

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Harry sent the spiders clinging onto the car flying, dead.

The car sped through the forest and arrived at the edge near Hagrid's hut. It forcefully flung the boys and Fang out before returning deep into the forest.

The boys quickly grabbed Y/N's cloak before covering themselves with it and returning as quick as possible to their dorm. As they finally arrived and entered in safely they whispered to each other.

"Follow the spiders! Follow the spiders! If Hagrid ever gets out of Azkaban I'll kill him. I mean what was the point of sending us in there? What have we found out?" Ron whined.

"Well we know one thing. Hagrid never opened the chamber of Secrets. We should tell Y/N first chance we get."

Ron agreed and they settled, exhausted, into their beds.

For You I Will #2- The Chamber Of Secrets Where stories live. Discover now