Secrets Shared

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The students finished their dinner and were free for the rest of the evening. They mostly dispersed happy to be free from worry and regimented movement for the first time in months.

There were lots of whispers about what happened. Y/N L/N was already notorious around the school for good and bad reasons, but to slay a Basilisk? At 13? Many students asked the same question- Just how powerful was he?

Y/N and Hermione were sat at the Gryffindor table, just enjoying each other's company. They were both completely over the moon. No more playing games, no more beating around the bush. They loved each other and now they were a couple.

There were quite a few congratulations given by their friends and some teachers, before Hermione gently pulled Y/N down to whisper in his ear.

"Let's get out of here, just the two of us love"

Y/N smirked at her and nodded before stealing a quick peck on the lips which Hermione gladly accepted.

They bid farewell to their friends and quickly left the great hall, hand in hand.

"So where did you want to go babe?" Y/N asked, happy to be able to call her that openly. Hermione looked at her boyfriend and giggled, he still couldn't take that silly grin off his face.

"Well I think you need a decent night's sleep. But let's go to our special place. I don't want to spend another moment apart from you."

"That sounds great to me love" Y/N replied happily.

They walked hand in hand up to the seventh floor and entered the Room of Requirement. There was in front of them a beautiful four poster bed, a roaring fireplace and a bathroom.

They took their turns getting changed in the bathroom before laying in bed together. Y/N leaned over to Hermione and kissed her gently.

"I love you, Hermione Jean Granger."

She giggled, he sounded so formal and serious. "Well I love you too, Y/N Thomas L/N"

She leant into her boyfriend again, kissing him, at first softly, but it soon increased in pressure and intensity as they moved into a heated make out session, like they were making up for lost time.

As they parted breathless Hermione smiled. "We better stop there Mr, you need your sleep."

Y/N grunted but laid down on his pillows, Hermione giggled at his mini-tantrum before laying down on his chest. She teased gently:

"Don't sulk love, there will be plenty of time for that when you've caught up on your sleep."

"I'm not even tir-"

Y/N was cut off with a yawn, causing Hermione to giggle.


He closed his eyes and within a minute Hermione heard small snores from above her head. She looked up at her boyfriend, rubbed his cheek and kissed him. She smiled to herself, she couldn't believe this had finally happened.


They awoke early the next morning and Hermione was shocked when Y/N stopped ten minutes into his workout.

"Are you ok love?" she asked in concern. Y/N smiled.

"Yeah, just sore still after the fight. It'll just take a few days to heal up."

He went for a shower and when done they headed down for breakfast. They had almost three weeks to kill and no classes, they had all the time in the world to relax.

"So what do you want to do today love?" Hermione asked as they started breakfast.

"Couple of things if it's ok? I'd like to go down to the Black Lake, just the two of us, and I'd like to go see Sev for a while if you don't mind."

For You I Will #2- The Chamber Of Secrets Where stories live. Discover now