"Because I thought one of us was having a seizure or that maybe there was a glitch or like the space time continuum was fucked up or something." She tells me, and I tilt my head down at her. "I'm serious, I needed a minute to process what you were saying because it was incredibly hard for me to believe.. Back then I wasn't as confident, and I always thought you saw me as your little sister or something. I never thought you saw me as an equal and I never thought you would.. So, I ran away, thought about how to respond, and decided I was no good for you... Then you left me like roadkill." She jokes, and I scoff.

    "I did not leave you like roadkill, and if it was my choice I would have stayed and fought for you the same way I have been since I came back... Don't doubt that for a second Scarlett." I tell her, bringing my hand up to her neck now, holding it so my fingers touch the nape of her neck right where her hair meets.

    "Why did you leave then? If you didn't want to, then why did you have to?" She asks, and I was waiting until she asked again. I knew I couldn't wait forever to tell her, I knew I would have to and after everything she and Sierra have trusted me with I know I need to trust her the same.. She deserves that much.

    "You remember my biological dad, the one I couldn't stand?" I ask her, and she nods as I lean back, not touching her, but looking right at the ceiling.

    "The one who barely contacted you.." She remembers right away.

    "Yeah, stopped talking to me when I was around twelve I'd say, and I didn't hear from him after that, same with Gemma, and what I thought was my mum.." I tell her, and I don't look at her reaction.

    "Your mom didn't stop talking to him?" She asks, and I shake my head.

    "She didn't.. She tried to make sure he had no contact with us.. He was incredibly successful, and he left us.. He left us when I was really young, and I hated him for that, but I hated him for cutting me out even more, but he never wanted to, that was all my mum." I tell her truthfully.

    "What do you mean?" She asks.

    "He left because he had a drinking problem, and he knew if he didn't go away he would put us, my mum, and his career in the way.. He left my mum with a good bit of money, and he admitted himself, but my mum was too ashamed, too proud to let him come back so they got a divorce.. I didn't know he had a drinking problem, I thought he had just... Just left and disappeared. That's what she told me." I tell her, trying to not sound as bitter as I feel. She's my mum.. I love her, I owe her almost everything I have but...

    "How could she do that? Lie to you like that?" Scarlett asks, and if there's one person I know will understand me, and where my feelings come from I know it's her.

    "She was scared. She didn't want us to ask questions we didn't want answers to, and she was hurt because she felt like he chose alcohol over his family, which was the exact opposite of what he did... In my opinion at least." I shrug, and run my hands through my hair.

    "What happened though.. Why did you have to leave?" She asks.

    "Because he was dying, and my mum couldn't lie anymore because all he was asking for was me and Gemma." I tell her, and Scarlett is looking at me now with sad eyes, not only sad, but angry eyes. "Okay I know you're going to get mad at me, and that's fine but let me finish my story first okay?" I ask, and she nods.

    "Of course, go ahead." She gives me the floor again.

    "I left so quickly because I didn't know the full extent of everything. It was all up in the air, and I had no clue what to do. I didn't want to tell you anything because I didn't know anything Scarlett, and I wasn't sure what was going to happen when I got home. I thought about maybe calling you later on, maybe even flying you home with me to meet my family, or be there with me but things were too dark, and too messy, and too confusing." I tell her honestly.

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