Forgive Me

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You spend the next couple of days in a meaningless haze, feeling like you aren't there when the day starts and ends. It isn't one of your best moments. The amalgamation of Bakugou lying to you, hiding his identity to sleep with you, and the fact that he loved you had left you clueless on what to do next. If you took him back then you would come off as a pushover, but if you let him go you knew that your relationship would be forever broken, even worse than it was before. Those thoughts had flooded your head and you decided it would just be best for you to drown them out with sleep and an unimaginable amount of trashy television.


You wake up and you're not sure what day it is but you're feeling the urge to be productive. You drag yourself out of bed and trudge to the kitchen, on the way there you catch a glimpse of yourself and cringe. To say you look pathetic was too kind, your face seems permanently tear-stained and your eyes are red from the constant wiping. Your hair is knotted and tangled, and you're wearing one of his shirts, one that somehow ended up in your luggage. When you initially found it, you contemplated calling Kirishima to take the shirt back, but something about it called you and you couldn't resist keeping it. You still had Bakugou's hoodie, but it wasn't the same. This shirt had pottery stains on it and reminded you of a happier time. If you closed your eyes and held the shirt tight you could relive that day again, and again, and again.

You shake your head, eliminating any thoughts concerning Bakugou from your mind. Today is a new day, and you're going to go outside and have fun. The only issue is that you aren't sure what to do. You glance around the room to look for anything of interest and a small hardcover book catches your eyes. The Great Gatsby, that's it. You're going to the library today and are going to read to block out any emotions. It's better to drown in pretty language and lavish stories than think about him.

After making yourself a quick drink you skip to your room to get ready; it's nice to get excited about things. The past couple of days have been full of emotional numbness, so any positive emotion is welcomed. You turn on your favourite playlist and hum to the music as you put on some light makeup, you're dressing up for yourself and to remind yourself that you're amazing and don't need to settle for anything less than. Next, you grab your favourite outfit out of the closet and slip it on. Standing in front of your full-length mirror you realise that you look completely different to the y/n you saw moments ago, you smile. Things are looking up for you.


You hop off the bus and stroll to the library. The weather is perfect, the birds are chirping, and the cherry on top is that barely anyone is at the library. The almost empty parking lot excites you, thank god you won't have to share the building with noisy kids for once. They usually ruin the experience in one way or another. You swing the heavy door open and head straight to the section of the library that Shinso showed you last time. Plants decorate the shelves everywhere you look, and you wonder how anyone can keep this many plants alive while admiring their handiwork.

You scan the shelves and your fingers stop and pull out The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood. It's not a classic but feminism always helps heal a broken heart. You place yourself in a plant-covered nook and curl up on a worn leather couch. The story of a dystopian society and a life much worse than yours is a good distraction.

You don't realise how long you've been reading until you hear an intercom warning you that the library will close in half an hour. You have spent your whole day alone reading, yet you feel like it's a day well spent. You pack up your bag and are about to leave until a familiar presence triggers your senses. No. He wouldn't. Your head swings around, looking for the man whose aftershave burns through the air. You see no one.

Make Me - Katsuki Bakugou x ReaderWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu