No We're Even

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A knock on the door startles you awake, causing Bakugou to groan next to you and you can tell he's not happy. He reaches over and pulls you into him, trying to go back to sleep. The intensity of the knocking increases and Bakugou grabs a pillow and holds it over his head attempting to block out the noise.

"Wake up love birds! You can't stay and do who knows what in there forever."

Kirishima's voice rings throughout the room and you frown in annoyance. Why can't they let you sleep? You look at the clock on your bedside table and realise it's 1 in the afternoon, maybe it is reasonable for them to wake you up. Reluctantly, you get up out of bed but are pulled back by Bakugou.

"We need to get up."

You whisper to Bakugou and press a chase kiss to his lips. His arms wrap around your body and pull you back down so that your bodies are flush against each other.

"They can wait."

He murmurs against your mouth as he presses his lips to yours. His hands roam your body and he deepens the kiss. You roll over so that you're on top of him and the kiss moves from sexual to passionate, there seems to be more behind it. Bakugou breaks the kiss and stares at you, chest heaving.

"Y/n, I -"

He says, his eyes fogged with emotions. Sadly, he's cut off before he can finish his sentence.

"You better cover up in there, because I'm coming in."

Yells Kaminari as the door slams open. You jump and rush to use the sheet to cover both your bodies.

"Stop fucking and get up, it's brunch time."

A spiel of violent curses leaves Bakugou's mouth, all directed at Kaminari, and you decide to get up and get ready. Kaminari finally retreats to escape Bakugou's wrath, but right before he leaves he looks at you and mouths.

"Now we're even."

You blush and throw a shirt next to you at him as he closes the door. You look behind you and can see Bakugou slowly getting out of bed, so you slip into the bathroom and get ready. As you are showering you think back to Bakugou's previous words. What was he going to say? For a minute you thought he was going to... no that's crazy. Why did you even think of that?


Once everyone is ready, you head out to your cars. The cold winter air takes you by surprise and you regret that you had already worn all your warm winter clothes. There was nothing clean left for today that you could wear. You shiver and Bakugou looks at you sympathetically.

"Do you want mine?"

He offers, referring to his Barbour winter coat. The invitation is tempting but you realise that if he gives you his jacket he'll be cold. Rather you than him.

"No, I'm fine."

You respond, shaking your head. He looks at you confused but after some thinking, he seems to realise why you said no.

"So fucking stubborn."

He mumbles under his breath and then continues,

"We'll stop by mine and you can grab a jacket; it's on the way."

You open your mouth to protest but Bakugou cuts you off.

"I don't want to be your personal nurse if you get some shitty cold."

You laugh at his grumpy statement and get into the passenger seat. He turns on the radio and places his free hand on your upper thigh. You sit there and bask in the happiness of the situation, feeling that nothing could ruin your good mood today.

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