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You wake up to sunlight streaming through the window, causing you to rise with the morning sun. You move to sit up but are stopped by a heavy force on your chest, you look to your left and see Bakugou curled up beside you. You relax next to him, letting his body envelop yours. You drift off back to sleep, feeling comfortable knowing that you're happy with Bakugou and at the moment nothing can change that.


The next time you awaken it's to the sound of flipping pages. You look up to see Bakugou sitting up and reading a book. Well, that's a change in character. You squint and read the cover, The Stranger by Albert Camus. You smile, you had read the book a while ago but were unsure of where you stood.

"So you finally decided to pick up a book?"

You say, flipping over onto your stomach and resting your head on a pillow. He looks down at you, hiding a smile.

"Well, some idiot told me I couldn't fucking read. So..."

Your jaw drops.

"I did not!"


He responds, and you push up onto your elbows.

"I didn't say it, I just implied it."

You lean in, your lips inches apart, with a Cheshire grin on your face.


He questions rhetorically, leaning in to bridge the gap between your lips.


You murmur into his mouth, lacking any conviction. This kiss is different from the others, it's sweet and non-dominating as if you have all the time in the world. No school, no work, no commitments, only each other. After a while, you break apart and get ready for the day ahead. Not that there's much to do out there in the forest. You guys both decide to take it easy and just explore.

Ready for the unplanned day, you stroll out of the kitchen and the clock on the wall tells you that it's 2 pm. Since you missed lunch you both decide to make a quick and light meal with some of the stuff you bought from the store.

You attempt to help with the cooking but Bakugou kicks you out of the kitchen for not being "neat" or some stupid shit like that. You settle with sitting on the island and watching him work instead. You managed to convince him to wear a frilly apron, and the juxtaposition of the hard lines of his body and the femininity of the apron stirs something deep within you.

"You know what would make this better?"

You say, staring obviously at Bakugou's body, but he's too busy cooking to take notice.


His voice is sharp and tense, he doesn't even bother to look back at you. His flippant nature annoys you but you've learnt to not give up, getting him to soften takes time.

"If you wore nothing underneath that apron."

Bakugou's ears flush red, and that's all you can see because he's still set on facing the stove and not you. You see his body tense under the tight top he's wearing, and the fact that a single sentence you say has this sort of impact on him causes you to blush as well.

"Shut up, go set the table or something."

You laugh and follow his instructions, but not because he told you to. Definitely not because he told you to. You grab plates, silverware and napkins and lay them out on the table, setting yourselves up so that you will be sitting opposite of each other.

Make Me - Katsuki Bakugou x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now