Are You Chicken?

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You wake up dog piled under your sleeping friends, you check your phone and silently swear.


You're late for class. You hurriedly unravel yourself from your friends and head to your room and get changed. You really need to work on your time management or at least remember to set alarms. After getting changed and doing a very rushed morning routine you sneak into the kitchen, grab yourself a bagel and check the time once more. This is bad, the only way for you to get to class on time is if someone drives you. You can't be late, Professor Aizawa has a tendency to lock late students out of the classroom and you really need to pass this class. You peek back into the living room to see if anyone is awake, but no luck. You feel a gentle breeze and look out on the balcony to realise that Bakugou is awake. Why him? Why couldn't have it been anyone else? But now is not the time to fret, rather the time to swallow your pride. You step out on the porch to talk to Bakugou but he's facing away from you. Since there's no time for pleasantries you bluntly state your case.

"I need you to drive me to class, please."

He swivels on his chair to face you.

"And why the fuck would I help you?"

He cocks his eyebrow, the smug look on his face indicates to you that he plans to milk this opportunity for all its worth. You don't have time for his games so you dumbly decide to put the fate of your future in his hands.

"Because I'll owe you one, I'll give you one favour, no questions asked."

He stills, looking as if he's contemplating your offer; while doing this he is wasting your time. You choose to sacrifice your dignity and say:

"Pleaseee Katsuki, I need you."

His body grows tense and he quickly rises. He walks towards you and almost knocks you over while leaving the balcony. Great, now you've wasted your time and you don't have a ride. You walk towards the door prepared to make a run for it when Bakugou comes up behind you swinging his keys on his pointer finger.

"Let's go."

He growls while opening the door for you, you feel yourself smile and walk out towards his car. This should be great.


You walk out of class feeling refreshed, due to Bakugou's help you made it to your lesson just in time. The weather is perfect: the sun is shining, birds are chirping. What could possibly go wrong, your phone buzzes.

Hot Bartender : so.... last night was interesting

y/n : was it?

y/n : i don't remember anything out of the ordinary

Hot Bartender : no me neither

Hot Bartender : besides being an accidental exhibitionist for your friends

y/n : ooooohhh yh

y/n : that...

y/n : that doesn't typically happen

Hot Bartender : that's good to know

Hot Bartender : bc I was really planning on only dating you

Hot Bartender : not your entire friend group

Dating, wow! This means that he plans to go on more than two dates with you. You finally might win the bet! This is great, but still, an inkling of doubt kicks in.

y/n : you were planning on dating me?

Hot Bartender : is that not what we're doing?

Shit, this is awkward. In hindsight, you probably shouldn't have said that. You decide to backtrack.

Make Me - Katsuki Bakugou x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now