Mission Complete:

866 47 49

Writer's block is a bitch. Like, seriously.
Also... The plot I'm forming is slowly becoming more and more different than the description..
But who wants Mikey to own a Megalodon?😃

"Let me get this straight." Dr. Dellain, who is already free from Kaiden's restraints, scooted to the side of the couch to find a more comfortable position before he shouted to this kid, a very dangerous one (he knows) but still a kid, who is actually one of the leaders of the biggest non-official organization in the whole world that every strong awakeners wants to own or be partners with, who was upstairs.

'Why the fuck are kids this strong nowadays?' Dellain asked himself. He knows that the awakened society is dangerous and that you have to train from birth to be strong enough to survive but why do kids at the age of 17 have the need to be this strong? The fuck is happening to the world?

Getting back to topic.

"First of all, Tatsuya have two leaders. The Gray Dragon and the Silver Dragon."

"That's right." Jiwoo shouted from his room, Wearing his "Silver Dragon" disguise so that he can show it to his guests.

"You're Silver Dragon, and the Gray Dragon is one of your siblings from an orphanage in Japa-" Dr. Dellain was cut off by the creak of the door that Jiwoo entered earlier on the second floor.

"You don't look that different." He commented after seeing Jiwoo in black hair and silver eye contacts.

"That's why we wear masks." Jiwoo placed the mask on his face before taking it down a minute later and walking back to his room to take the contacts and put the mask away.

"And you want me to continue my research in your hideout not only to hide me from the outside world but also because there is someone you needed help with?"

"Yes, can you please move a little bit to the left, Kaiden? The couch isn't that big." Jiwoo replied to Dr. Dellain before he asked Kaiden, who shifted back to being a cat because his power is still at it's lowest, to move. Kaiden moved to the edge of the couch while grumbling under his breath.

"Thank you." Jiwoo smiled sweetly when we saw Kaiden follow his words and sat down himself.

"One of our members in Tatsuya have a family member who had an incurable heart disease and he asked help from our very own medic. However, our medic can only accelerate the regeneration of the healing nerves, bones, or muscles. And if she uses here accelerate then that would mean the child could die." Jiwoo narrated as he sat at the corner of the couch with his arms crossed over his chest.

"That happened 5 months ago, thankfully, we can slow down the disease by paying doctors all around the world but that's all we can do. Then 3 months ago... Somebody asked us to track down Dr. Dellain, a person who tries to make an artificial awakening to normal people." Jiwoo sadly smiled.

"And we thought.. maybe that could help? Because awakeners have stronger body system that is only slightly different from a normal person.. and we don't really get hurt or get sick easily. Also the fact that being awakened gives a person a stronger heart, lungs, basically everything. And I assume that's also the reason why you decided to take on this experiment?"

"... You sure do your research, Tatsuya." Dr. Dellain said after a minute of silence.

"We try our best, Dr. Dellain." Jiwoo smiled brightly before taking a sip of his coffee, coffee that were already mild but it's still edible.

"One more question before I decide."

"Please do tell."

"Are you also recruiting Wooin? And is Kaiden Break a member of Tatsuya?"

"That's two questions but okay. Yes, we are also recruiting Wooin. And no, Kaiden only knew that we were part of Tatsuya 3 days ago. He isn't a member-" Jiwoo was cut off by Kaiden who slipped on his lap and said.

"I'll join you guys. Can't leave you literal kids out there." Kaiden nonchalantly said as he licked one of his paws.

"Hmph, we're not kids. Thank you very much." Jiwoo pouted.

"You're 17."


"And Gray Dragon is 13."

"Your problem being?" Jiwoo and Kaiden conveniently ignored the choking sounds from Dr. Dellain and the worried murmurings of Wooin while patting Dr. Dellain's back.

"That means y'all are too young."

"But we survived, haven't we?"

"..... There's no use arguing with you." Kaiden sighed and plopped back to Jiwoo's lap.
"I'm still joining Tatsuya."

Jiwoo just stared at Kaiden before he looked back to the two guests.

"So? Are you joining Tatsuya?"

"Hello Ji-nii. How may I help you in this beautiful night?" Takemichi happily answered the phone. It is already 7 in the evening and him and the older kids from the orphanage is getting dinner ready for the kids.

"Hello Michi~ I've already done the recruitment process." Jiwoo said in a sing-sang voice as he happily helped Dr. Dellain and Wooin take the documents from their basement before the Union arrives.

Takemichi paused before a very charming smirk formed in his beautiful pale lips.

"Meeting at Tatsuya's main hideout this weekend?"

"You bet." Jiwoo snickered.
"By the way, how are the little kids?-"

And Jiwoo and Takemichi talked about random things, some are important while some were just small talks, and everyone in the family took turns to say goodbye to their Ji-nii before Takemichi said his own goodbye to his older brother and ended the call.

"Please inform everyone that we have an overall Tatsuya meeting this weekend, Yama-chan (Yamagishi)." Takemichi told Yamagishi before taking a bite of their dinner.

"After dinner."

"Just make sure you won't forget." Takemichi stopped mid bite to look at Yamagishi with a stern glare.

"Hai hai~"

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