Tokyo Manji Gang meets Black Dragon's Blue Faction:

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"We need to change locations next time Michi. Our meeting spot in America was found out." Jiwoo informed Takemichi as he(Takemichi) practiced with the new guns that Jiwoo got from the U.S.

"Okay~." Takemichi replied in a sing sang tone that reminded Takuya of Karma from Assassination Classroom.

They were still under Jiwoo's house but they changed from the room that was filled with computers to the room that Jiwoo transformed and made it a room for target practice.

Daggers and other throwing weapons were hung up on the right wall of the room while almost every kind of guns were placed on shelves that were on the left side of the room.

"Michi, we need to go now." Takuya said after minutes of watching Takemichi try out the new guns. Takemichi was currently trying out the sniper that they got for almost half the original price which made them suspicious but by the looks of it, it was fine.... for now.

"What time is it?." Takemichi asked after putting the sniper neatly in his space.


"Okay then. We're coming back next week. Ji-nii." Takemichi said after he packed up everything he needed to pack.

"Hmph, why can't y'all stay two days like last time." Jiwoo pouted as he stood up with Kaiden in his arms.

"We have school Ji-nii. I admit, I should've chose another day especially when we didn't have anything urgent." Takemichi apologized to Jiwoo after he wore his backpack and gave Jiwoo a hug.

Kaiden wasn't happy but he didn't say anything.

"We'll be back in no time, I promise. Besides, you have Kaiden to take care of." Takuya said as he hugged Jiwoo from behind.

"Hmm.. okay, but be sure to bring my favorite next time." Jiwoo's pout immediately vanished and was replaced by a blinding smile.

"Of course." Takemichi replied with a smile of his own.

Poor Takuya had to close his eyes while Kaiden became temporarily blind after looking at two suns for an extended amount of time.

"Can this plane not go any faster?!" Takemichi was in rage.

The plane was too slow, one of his baby dragons were r*ped and he can't do anything about it.

"Michi, calm down. You are not at fault."

"But Takuy-"

"You are not at fault, Takemichi." Takuya made sure to grab both of Takemichi's cheeks and forcefully made Takemichi look at him.
"We will make Mobius pay so never think that any of this is your fault. Blame Mobius."

Takemichi was silent for a minute, his bangs were covering his eyes which made Takuya unable to see Takemichi's expression but of course, his older brother didn't disappoint him.

"You're right, Takuya. Let's get home first and plan the perfect revenge for those bastards."

Takuya just nodded to Takemichi, a beautiful smirk adorning his beautiful face.

→_→←_Two Days Later_→←_←


Shouted the hundred members of Tokyo Manji Gang. Every division was said to have 20 members each excluding the captains. Tokyo Manji Gang was also known as the smallest gang to rise in power for this year.

"We're gathered here today because of the "Mobius" incident." Mikey announced to his members after walking up the stairs that were leading to Musashi Shrine that was located on Tama River which is also Toman's hideout.

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