Jiwoo Seo:

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'What a wonderful way to start a day' Takemichi thought as he forced himself to sit up. Away from the comfortable warmth of his bed.

(Just a bit more info, Takemichi's hair is black and messy. Not the gelled one in anime. Me and Hina hate those so I decided to burn all gels before Takemichi even knew of it's existence.)

He shook his head to wake himself up before he stood up and made his way to fetch some clothes and got out of his room. Making his way to where the second bathroom of their home is.

Along the way he saw a sleepy Takuya, who had his long hair in a low bun, waiting in line with their younger siblings at the side of the hallway that leads to the bathroom.

"Good morning~" Takemichi greeted Takuya in a soft whisper as he hugged the blonde's waist from behind.

"Morn'n." Takuya replied absentmindedly, leaning back into Takemichi warm hug.

"Are your things ready? We'll visit Ji-nii later."


"Very good." Takemichi praised Takuya with a light kiss pressed on the side of Takuya's neck.



"Did anyone forget anything? Assignments? Projects? Natsu, I remember you did some projects yesterday, none of them have deadlines today?" Akkun asked sternly, not wanting to go back and forth if the kids really did forget something.

"No mom! All of them are still next week!" Natsu Hanagaki, one of the kid's in the orphanage who are the same age as Naoto, replied with a salute.

Unfortunately, all the younger kids weren't given a last name because their parents that left them there just wrote their given names, so the Mizo Mid Gang let the children pick one out of the five last names in the house and use them for themselves. Natsu is one of the kids who chose to use Hanagaki.

For more information, the current occupants of this home are 16. Five 14-years-olds, 3 thirteen years olds, 4 eleven years olds and 4 more ten years olds.

The 8 younger kids are in the same school. They are enrolled in Shogakko Elementary School, and all of them are in the same grade which is grade 6. The principal agreed to let them skip a year because the kids have been very helpful and of course, because all of them are smart.

Naoto Tachibana, Natsu Hanagaki and Souta Sendou are enrolled in Yukigaoka Junior High School, one of the better JHS's in their area.

And last but not the least, Shibuya Middle School. The worst school in Shibuya. Unfortunately, Takemichi and the others didn't have a choice because Shibuya High is the cheapest school in their neighborhood, and it's close at home.

"I, dear gentleman, am not your mom." Akkun glowered at Natsu, who took a step back and chuckled nervously.

"You always act like one." The one who just got out of the house said. Unlike the others who wore their school uniforms, Takemichi is in an all dark blue outfit. A dark blue tank top on top of a long sleeved sweater that is in a darker shade of blue. He had on some ripped jeans that is also in a dark blue color. And the only thing that is not blue in his outfit is his black tennis shoes.

He walked out of the house with Takuya walking right behind him in a peach colored ¾ long sleeved shirt, white jeans and pink tennis shoes. His hair was tied up in space buns as he kept on munching the apple that he grabbed from the countertop earlier.

Akkun didn't do anything but glare at Takemichi before he sighed and hugged Takemichi and, by extension, Takuya.

"You're coming back tonight right?" Yamagishi asked from the sidelines.

"Yup, so until then you and Mako-chan should help Akkun and Hina with the kids. You're more childish than them sometimes." Takuya replied in a teasing tone.

"Hmph! I would like to inform you I do not do such things." Makoto snobbed Takuya after that.

"Anyways, about Toman." Takemichi started as he continuosly played with Akkun's styled hair while Akkun just leaned to his comforting warmth more. Akkun may be the mother in the house but he is really just nothing but a baby in front of Takemichi.

"I heard that the leader of the gang that beat us yesterday held some fighting rings here and there. If they just ask you to do things as slaves then don't fight back. But if they ask you to fight, let them hit you first before you fight back okay? That way we can say that it is justified self defense." Takemichi informed the five of them before he let go of Akkun and turned to where the younger children are.

"Do you guys remember the rules when going outside?" He asked, crouching in front of the kids as he heard their immediate answers.

"Fight back only if you were hit first!"
"Always make sure you have atleast a little bit of money in your purse!"
"Never talk to strangers!"
"Always protect your siblings!"
"And no using of awakened powers!"

"Good job." Takemichi praised them with a small smile before he grabbed two bags of candies from his backpack and gave them to the kids.

"THANK YOU VERY MUCH!" the children thanked their older brother and they hugged and kissed him in the cheeks one by one before they started distributing the candies fairly.

"And here are yours. Lollipops, fruity for Yamagishi and mint flavored for Takuya, gummy worms for Makoto and sour lemon candies for Akkun." Takemichi stood up from his crouching position and gave the goods to their respective owners.

"Thanks Michi." And like the kids, they each gave Takemichi a hug and a kiss on the cheeks.

"No worries. Also, it's about time we go to the airport."

"Oh yeah! Take care." Makoto replied to Takemichi's reminder.
"Be safe." Akkun and Yamagashi also said from behind Makoto.

"See you later guys!" Takemichi and Takuya waved goodbye to their family. Ready to meet with their oldest sibling in South Korea.

Seo Jiwoo.

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