Night has fallen. Ned lies on the floor while Peter works at his desk and Olivia is eating some popcorn. Ned glances at the hologram, "Leaving Jersey." With a shooter, Peter projects a characterized image of his mask on the wall.

Ned now lies on the bed. The hologram model starts to beep. Startled, he sits up, wearing the Spider-Man mask. He grabs the hologram model next to him, "They stopped."

Olivia wakes up from her nap on the floor while Peter wakes up from hanging from the ceiling. He turns around, a little groggy, and eyes the model, "Maryland?"

"What's there?" Olivia asks.

"I don't know" Peter shrugs, "Evil lair?"

"They have a lair?" Ned questions.

"Dude. A gang with alien guns run by a guy with wings?" Peter scoffs, "Yeah, they have a lair."

"Badass" Ned mutters, "But how are you gonna get there if it's, like, 300 miles away?"

Peter turns to face the Academic Decathlon poster, "It's not too far from D.C."

"How am I going to get there?" Olivia asks, "I'm not smart enough for decathlon and can't tell happy to get a ride."

"I've got an idea" Peter smiles.

Midtown High students are waiting by a yellow bus, dressed in their yellow uniform jackets. Peter runs toward them, "Hey, it's Peter."

"Peter?" Liz questions.

"Hey, buddy."

"Yeah, I was hoping maybe I could rejoin the team" Peter says.

Flash, standing in the back, walks forward to face Peter, "No, no way. You can't just quit on us, stroll up, and be welcomed back by everyone."

The teacher walks out of the bus, "Hey, welcome back, Peter. Flash, you're back to first alternate."

"What?" Flash questions.

"He's taking your place" Abraham states.

Michelle appears behind them, "Excuse me, can we go already? 'Cause I was hoping to get in some light protesting in front of one of the embassies before dinner, so."

"Protesting is patriotic" the teacher shrugs, "Let's get on the bus."

Flash shrugs off his jacket and sullenly thrusts it into Peter's arms, "Mr Harrington. Is there anyway Olivia stark could tag along? She wants to join the team but doesn't know what to expect, so can she come along to watch?"

"More the merrier" Mr Harrington smiles, Olivia stands in the distance with her backpack over her shoulder, "Olivia get on board" Olivia walks over and her and Peter do a fist bump as the walk onto the bus.

The bus is travelling through the highway. "Focus up, everyone" Liz says, "Our next topic is the moons of Saturn."

The students are holding bells, focusing on Liz's quiz. Olivia is sat at the back of the bus with a book in her hands reading. They ring their bells before answering, "The second law of thermodynamics."

"Frank Sinatra."

"Fort Sumter" flash answers.

"Flash is wrong" Abraham states.

"Okay, guys, let's focus" Liz says, "Next one."

"Liz, don't overwork them" Mr Harrington tells her.

"Strontium, barium, vibranium" Peter answers.

Falling, Peter ParkerOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant