House of Crumbling/House of Forcefields

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Nina and Eddie went outside the house to see if anything was taking place outside, and in fact, there was. They saw some of the trees fade away into fragments as well as the bushes and above them, even the sign to Anubis house.

They looked up to the sky which began to disappear as well. They had to do something quick before the entire world ended. Before time ended.

In the place of where everything disappeared, white space replaced it. But at certain moments within those white spaces, shattered between time, they'd flash memories that either Eddie or Nina had. Beautiful moments. Sad moments. Angry moments. The two of them took notice of this, and it made them realize just how much they were affiliated with time itself.

"It's not just the emerald tablet, Eddie," Nina told him. "It's us."

"We can't be doing this-"

"-if anyone else pieced that tablet together, this wouldn't happen," Nina figured. She repeated, "It's us. And we can stop this."

Nina ran to the nearest thing that had broken off into fragments. It was actually a chunk of the walkway, and as she approached, she saw that it was in the midst of showing a memory between her and Fabian in their high school years.

"Our memories," Eddie uttered, approaching from behind Nina and coming to the same realization as her. "Our lives. Our existence is directly tied with time. So we can fix it."

Eddie held his hand out towards the fragmented area that lied right before them, and it began to piece itself back together, until it was solid as though nothing happened. But even doing just that had drained much power from Eddie. He staggered a bit, but regained himself with the help of Nina.

"I won't work like this," Nina said. "We'll pass out before we can even restore the third fragment. We need the tablet."

Both of them turned around, but realized they were in a completely different place. It wasn't really a completely different place, but it was a different time. They were in Anubis house, but it was during their high school years. Suddenly, Sibuna had come out of the cellar, led by Nina. They couldn't see the actual Nina and Eddie observing them, but just like the memory Nina had(before Eddie's term), they all split up to go to their rooms.

The scenery changed back to the middle of the world ending, but almost instantaneously, it flashed to the forest where the touchstone of Ra glowed from a beam of lightning striking down from the sky as Eddie approached it. Nina didn't have this memory, but Eddie knew it all to well as the day he lost-or thought he lost his powers.

Once more, the scenery flashed back to the world ending as it broke off into fragments. Anubis house still stood before Nina and Eddie, not managing to tear apart yet. Nina and Eddie hurried inside where the tablet now hovered a bit higher than before and appeared to glow brighter.

Nina tried to approach it, but Eddie held her back by her arm. "No, it'll hurt you."

"It's worth it."

Before she could actually make it to the tablet though, the locket,around her neck opened up a portal, and she ended up stepping through that instead. Eddie followed through quickly, not wanting to lose sight of Nina since he was her protector.

They ended up back in Nina's apartment where everything was breaking apart and shattering. Nina noticed there was now sight of William. She suddenly took off outside the apartment, and Eddie followed her close behind.

They hurried outside, where William was standing in the lawn, now fading away too. He faced Nina and Eddie before his entire body was engulfed by the absence of existence.

Nina and Eddie heard a loud noise behind them, turning around to find themselves in a similar circumstance as their dream when part of the apartment complex building came crashing down.

"Nina!" Eddie yelled.

He grabbed Nina, but they couldn't get out of the way in time. Nina was sure she was dead until she peered up and saw a transparent dome covering them. A dome emitting from Eddie's hand.

"Since when could you make forcefields?" Nina asked.

"Since now. Now, can we get out from under here because this is really killing my arm."

They made their way out from the gravel and that was when Eddie released his forcefield.

"You've destroyed order!" a voice suddenly boomed.

"Thoth, maybe," Eddie suggested.

"You've ruined time! And now time will cease to exist!"

"Thoth," Nina muttered to herself before exclaiming, "The Book of Thoth! Eddie, I forgot!"

"You still have it?" Eddie asked, both of them now ignoring what the voice just announced.

"Of course I still have it!"

Nina tried to go through the gravel, where her apartment might have been.

"You'll never find it," Eddie discouraged, climbing up the gravel behind her.

Suddenly, the gravel swarmed and lifted off a certain area, revealing the book of wisdom and time, now glowing so they could definitely see it.

"Unless it wants to be found," Nina grinned.

She went and picked up the book. It flipped to the exact page they needed, inherently explaining how the Chosen One would have to take the emerald tablet and absorb its power. This would then give the Chosen One enough power to seal all the fragments in time and restore everything back to the way it was.

Eddie and Nina turned back around after reading, now facing the looming god Thoth who they recognized from meeting before. They recognized those large white wings, silver eyes, and white hair.

"Don't mess this up. Time can't stop."

Nina and Eddie nodded. Nina opened up the portal from her locket, willingly this time, and it took them back to Anubis house which still hadn't fallen apart yet.

Nina and Eddie faced the tablet. Nina would just have to go for it and hope for the best. She knew enough to know what to do.

"You've got this," Eddie encouraged.

"I've got this," Nina repeated.

Here is a new chapter! What will happen next? You'll just have to wait and see because sadly that will be in the next chapter.

But, do you think Nina can do this?

House of Anubis: House of PastsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin