House of Lakes/House of Revelations

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Eddie and Nina stepped through the portal, now after Nina had reunited with Sibuna. For some reason, they felt different about this trip. Like, something very important happen. This made them more eager to find out what secrets were hidden in the past.

They ended up back in Anubis House, in the kitchen. They heard the door to the house open and heard voices. Sarah and Rufus's voices. Nina and Eddie hid behind the kitchen counter.

"He didn't. You're lying!" Sarah exclaimed, sounding somewhat depressed.

"I was there Sarah. I'm not lying," Rufus replied. "The funeral's tomorrow. He'd want you to be-"

"-I'll go, of course. But how did he die?"

Nina and Eddie heard them come into the sitting room and heard approaching footsteps. Before either Rufus or Sarah could get to the kitchen, the two of them snuck into the laundry room.

"He was running," Rufus admitted. "And he tripped, and he tumbled down a hill, and he landed in a lake. And I was waiting for him to come back to the surface, but he never did."

"And you didn't look for him?!"

"I couldn't-"

Nina and Eddie heard heavy footsteps marching. It must've been Sarah's. She went back out of the sitting room, and they heard the front door open and slam shut.

Nina didn't know what came over her, but she felt bold enough to do this, so she left the laundry room and faced Rufus who stood in the kitchen. Rufus looked up at her as Eddie came out as well.

"Did William die?" Nina asked. "Did he?"

"Why're you here?" Rufus growled angrily.

"Answer the question," Nina enforced. "Did he die? And where?"


"-take us to where he died!"

"Nina..." Eddie whispered while grabbing her arm, trying to keep her from going overboard.

Nina ignored him anyway.

"I'll take you," Rufus agreed. "I'll take you."

He led them to Williams's death site, which wasn't far away. They had to ease their way down a hill infested with dead leaves and twigs until they came to the edge of the lake that William supposedly drowned in.

"What was he running from?" Eddie asked, staring into the water which looked grey under the evening sky.

"Himself," Rufus admitted.

Both Nina and Eddie glanced up at him.

Rufus took a deep breath before explaining. "I'm assuming you two are already aware he drank the recipe that contained your blood."

"Thanks for reminding us," Eddie answered sarcastically.

"Well, since you're the Osirion and Chosen One, you have special blood which we believe grants long life. But at costs. William began having hallucinations, and heart problems, and the elixir he drank made him suffer everyday he did live since drinking it. Of course, it had been keeping him alive, but he was trying to survive more so than he was actually living. I saw him running, and I guessed he was hallucinating at the time, and he fell down the hill and into the lake."

"Is this his?" Eddie asked, spotting a pin on the ground. Eddie picked up to get a closer look and ended up being tossed into a vision.

He was in the lake, under the surface, but he didn't need oxygen because he didn't have to breathe. He was body-less. He dived down further into the lake as his instincts told him to. Down at the bottom of the lake, he spotted a body, lifeless in the mud and sand. It was William.

Eddie neared him until something unique began to happen. William's veins began to glow a bright gold, and his eyes shot open. He began to panic as he quickly swam up to the surface of the water and pulled himself out of the lake.

"Where am I?" he asked as though he couldn't remember. "How did I get here?"

He panted and began running away, still drenched. Eddie followed close behind, making sure he saw everything that happened.

Suddenly the scenery changed to William walking in a familiar place to Eddie. It was nighttime at Nina's apartment complex. Eddie didn't know what he was taking a stroll there for, but he saw Victor approaching in a long trench coat and wide-rimmed hat, his right hand in his inner pocket.

"I heard you weren't dead for a while," he called out toward William. "And I've meant to do this for a long time."

With that, Victor pulled out a gun and shot a William in the stomach, causing William to fall down to the ground as he began to bleed. Victor stuck the gun back in his trench coat, glanced around, and hurried out of there so he wouldn't be caught.

Eddie looked at William. The bullet had somehow come out of his body and the wound was in the process of healing itself. William was still unconscious, but he surely didn't remain injured. That was when rain began pouring down and a car came pulling up to the complex. Eddie's car.

Nina stepped out the car, dressed in exactly what she wore that time Eddie and Patricia took her to a little party with their friends. Eddie then realized he was observing that very night at the moment.

Eddie's car had pulled off by then, Nina was fishing for her apartment keys out her purse, and William suddenly woke up with heavy breaths causing Nina to stagger back.

"What the heck?!" Nina exclaimed, looking down at William who was clenching his stomach. Nina re gathered herself. "Do you need help?"

"Please," William groaned.

"It's not often you find a confused man lost in the rain in the middle of the street," Nina admitted, helping the random man up to his feet.

"It's not often you find someone willing to acknowledge it," he claimed.

That was when the vision ended for Eddie and he was back by the lake and the hill, and by Nina and Rufus. He glanced at Nina and Rufus who were anxiously staring at him.

"I know what happened to William."

Did you enjoy this chapter? I really hope you did!

Did you expect that was what happened to William?

Can you believe Victor shot William?

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