House of Chests/House of Societies

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Nina, Eddie, Alfie, Joy, and Patricia went back to their own time soon enough. William tensed up a bit, wondering if they found out what he didn't want them to find out. They weren't in the process of scolding him, so he was sure they hadn't.

"When we thought Victor couldn't get creepy enough," Alfie shuddered.

"My dad joined the Secret Society for me," Eddie swallowed. "How would it protect me?"

We kind of have bigger issues," Joy told him. "If you have questions, ask your dad, but come on. Those files were bit of an evasion of privacy."

"Well, all that is behind us anyway," Patricia declared. "Our high school years are over. They've been over for years. Whatever Victor did to get us all in Anubis house doesn't matter anymore."

"Patricia's right," Nina agreed. "But still, we had to be tossed back in time there for a reason, right?"

No one knew the answer to that question.

"I guess it's not the mystery at hand so we shouldn't really worry about it," Nina said breaking the silence that followed her own question.

"What do we worry about?" Alfie asked. "That emerald tablet? We don't know the first place to begin looking. I wish we actually had riddles again."

"Maybe where we traveled to was trying to tell us something," Eddie mentioned. "I just can't stop thinking about how traveling there, to that time could be pointless. I'm calling my dad."

Eddie went out into the hallway to call his father. He picked up and answered, "Son?"

"Dad," Eddie replied, "are you familiar with something known as time travel?"

His dad hesitated.


"Come to my place, Edison. It's time I explain something."

Eddie informed his friends, so he, Patricia, and Joy rode in his car to Mr. Sweet's house, and Nina rode in Alfie's car. Once there, Eddie rang the doorbell, and they were all invited inside. Set on Mr. Sweet's living room table was a chest which would be unlocked by the key next to it.

"What do you need to explain?" Eddie asked.

"I have not been entirely honest with your group," Eddie's dad began. "And I knew one day it was bound to come that I'd have to reveal the truth, and all of it."

"Well?" Alfie questioned. "Tell us!"

"I'm not sure whether or whether not you are familiar with the emerald tablet of time-"

"-do you have it?" Joy interrupted.

"No, but you can find it. After you were born, Edison, I joined the Secret Society. All of your parents were initially part of the society after you were born, which was another reason you were placed in Anubis house."

"It wasn't just the Frobisher-Smythes' expedition then," Patricia pieced together.

"No. We were assigned by Thoth to take the pieces of the tablet for time and place them in the portals he assigned us. We were the only group in the world devoted so much towards Egyptian myth, so he gave us this task. To convince us, he ensured our descendants, you all, would be under protection, especially you, Edison, and Nina. Every single one of you who were in Anubis house together were protected by the gods. That lasted until after you graduated, when the gods merely watched over you, but your protection lied in Eddie and Nina from then on. So, now, I'm entrusted with this chest-" he pointed towards the chest on the table, "-until it's time you open it. And I guess it's that time."

"Every single one of our parent?" Patricia repeated.

"We hoped you'd grow up to bond with eachother and create a group of your own."

"So, Sibuna wasn't entirely our doing?" Alfie figured. "It was influenced."

"Unfortunately, not everyone in Anubis house became an official Sibuna member, but as long as the Osirion and Paragon are, the world is in good hands," Mr. Sweet assured. He handed them the chest with the key. "So, take this. Don't open it until you're in a safe place."

"What's in it?" Nina asked.

"Riddles. To find the pieces. I hope upon finding them all, you know what to do."

"Riddles?" Alfie chuckled. "I should make more wishes."

Everyone was heading out, but Eddie stayed back to talk to his father a bit more.

"I hope you're not angry I kept this from you, Edison," his dad said.

"Of course not," Eddie responded sarcastically. "It's not like one of the biggest secrets of my life, just being revealed to me now, makes me angry."

"I'm sorry-"

"-I get it. I know that my life will be full of secrets. I not only signed up for it; I don't really have a choice, being the Osirion. So, I'm not angry at you; I just know I'm not exactly...happy."

His father didn't respond.

"Bye, dad."

After his son left, Mr. Sweet took out a handkerchief and wiped his forehead with it.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! A lot of revelation going on by Eddie's dad in here. It's a lot to soak in...

I'm interested in your thoughts and interpretations of this chapter, but I don't have any discussion questions for you! So, if you'd like to comment, feel free too! I love to read your comments, as always, so thanks for reading and stay tuned for the next chapter you amazing Aristocrats!

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