Final Chapter: I love you.

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Next morning, I wake up and see Tamaki awake. I smile at him as he places a kiss on my forehead. "Good m-morning bunny." He says. "Morning cinnamon roll." I whisper and he blushes.

We cuddle in bed for half an hour, when we figure that we should get up to study a bit. After getting dressed, we grab some sandwiches from the kitchen and go to Togata's room to study.

I am currently laying on the bed on my back, attempting to, study history, but I find Amajiki awfully distracting. The way his hair falls in front of his face, as his eyes are buried in the book just makes me wanna kiss him sooo badly. I shake my head, removing the thought of touching his soft lips and go back to the book.

I guess that Tamaki has the same thoughts as I because he moves closer and closer to me. We are so close to each other, that I can hear his breath. I turn to look at him the same moment that he does. The result is obvious. Our lips touch, indulging the both of us into a soft and slow kiss. I forget about everything in these seconds that the kiss held, including Mirio and Hado who were watching us.

I open my eyes as we break the kiss. His purple eyes, sparkle with joy as his cheeks are too red for a human being. I feel my cheeks burning as well. I turn my gaze back to my book, but I can't help but glance to Nejire, who is giving me a thumbs up and has a silly smile on her face. God, how I love that smile of hers.

At noon, we decide to leave and eat out. I am walking with Hado, as Mirio and Amajiki are behind us.

"So, what was that spontaneous kiss about, earlier today?" Nejire asks me. "You couldn't go without asking, could you?" I ask her laughing and who shakes her head. "No." Hado replies in-between laughs. "Well if you must know-" I start. "I am your best friend, of course I must know." Nejire cuts me off. "As I was saying, I have no idea what was that kiss about. I just had the urge to kiss Tamaki and I guess so did he. It was our second kiss ever." I say and dream back to our kiss. "Well someone is head over heels." Nejire comments. "Yeah, no shit Sherlock." I reply laughing, as we reach the restaurant.

We sit down and order. They bring us glasses of virgin cocktails. "Should we make a toast?" Nejire asks. "Yes. To y/n, the girl who despite her horrible past, quickly managed to stand up, on her two feet again." Togata says and I blush. "To y-y/n, who got over her a-anxiety and s-stuttering and is a role model to m-me, but also my beautiful g-girl." Togata says. "To y/n, the best girl friend I could ever ask for and the girl who showed me what courage looks like." Nejire states. "To you, my friends, who helped me go through all this dramatic past of mine and helped me stand up on my feet, stop stuttering and gain courage." I propose. "To us!!" We unanimously yell as we cling our glasses.

At that moment, the food arrives and we all start eating like horses, since we are starving!! We finish in 15 minutes and within these minutes, we weren't talking at all. "Aaah." Nejire let's out as she shallows the last bite of her food. "It was good, wasn't it?" I question as I tilt my head backwards. "Yeah, it was." Mirio says. We call in for the check and we split the bill to four. The boys wanted to pay for us, but me and Nejire declined.

We get up and after leaving a tip to the waiter who served us, we walk towards the dorms. "Y/n, could we go on a walk, just the two of us?" Nejire pleads me. "Sure. Where do you want to go?" I ask her. "The coast." She replies. "It's a long way there, but sure." I tell her and smile.

Nejire never asks me for such things, so it must be something serious. Or she just needs some time away of everything. Yeah, that must be it because 'Nejire' and 'serious' don't go in the same sentence.

We are walking silently, just the two of us since the boys went back to the dorms. "So, what happened?" I ask her. "Well..." Nejire starts. "I kinda feel left out wince you are always with Amajiki." Nejire reveals and I am in shock. "Oh my God, I am so so sorry! I haven't realized!! Oh fuck I am such a bad friend!! I am so sorry Nejire. I will make it up to you, I promise. In fact, we will spend the whole evening together. We will go back at 10 PM." I tell her. "No!!" She immediately reacts. "I mean, no we should go back early today because I am uhh tired. We can spend the day tomorrow together!" Nejire proposes. "Yes, yes we will. Oh my God, I am so sorry Nejire!!" I apologize again. "It's okay, really. I just told you so that the situation doesn't go out of hand." Hado reveals.

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