Pass or Fail?

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"Tamaki!" I exclaim as I haven't seen my friend in weeks. He looks in a bad state. I stabilize the poles and take Tamaki out of there. Once he is out safely, I hug him. I don't know what got into me, I just, did it. I break the hug and look around me for anyone else that needs help. I must create a first-aid station, just like mr. Aizawa taught me. The best place to do this, is over there. I walk over to a safe-looking place, helping Tamaki move. I make a pole and cutting a piece from my clothing (I don't have a costume yet) I tie it to the pole, making it look a little more like a first-aid station.

I leave Tamaki to sit there and I use my quirk again to spot every injured. I run to all of them and put them on a boat-looking earth thing, which I move with an earth-wave. I have gathered all the injured in the first-aid station. I have separated the heavily injured from the not-so-injured. I think that my work here is done. Ha, silly me. It would never be so easy.

"Ha foolish hero. We are going to destroy everything again. Why did you bother cleaning our mess up?" I see Snipe behind me and some others with guns, probably his team. I must set priorities. My first aim is to keep the injured un-harmed, my second is to defeat the villains and my third is to not die. I firstly make a huge wall so as to separate the injured from myself and the villains. Snipe wastes no time and starts shooting. I use a part of the earth to use as a shield. I will take down his team first. I separate them form Snipe and immobilize them with the earth cage. I then hide myself behind a slope, to catch my breath. I really feel like I am dying now. I don't have the time to take a deep breath, when a bullet passes inches away from my flesh. I make a circle engraved on the earth and make it taller, enclosing me and Snipe inside.

"Foolish move hero." He says. "You think?" I reply. "Yes, now you have nowhere to run." He says and aims at me. "And you don't know from which angle you will be attacked." I say and I catch him by surprise, when I encircle him and immobilize him with earth cage. "Nice." He says and I smile. "Great y/n. Your task is done." I hear principal Nezu's voice. I lean against the earth and realize I have to reverse everything again. I am not ready to do that, but who asked me, right?

I take a deep breath and reverse everything to its original state. I can't breathe, but is that supposed to be a surprise? I hear Overhaul's voice in my head. "Shut up. You are my secret ingredient to success. You will be nothing more than that...Look at him, his blood is in your hands...." I let a tear slip as I remember all these. I am suffocating, unable to breathe, feeling the life draining out of me, when suddenly it all stops. I gasp for air, as I open my eyes. Aizawa comes next to me. "What were you thinking? The last part was completely unnecessary." He says. "It was not. No hero is going to leave the city d-destroyed." I say and Aizawa rolls his eyes.

"How are the i-injured?" I ask. "Y/n, they were faking being injured all along." Aizawa says. "I know. But that doesn't m-mean that they were completely safe." I say. "Wow she got some real hero spirit yo." I hear Present Mic saying and I can't help but smile. "Y/n! Oh my God are you okay? Oh shit you are bleeding!" I hear Nejire saying and I see her running next to me. I hug her. "Are you okay? You were hurt from Present Mic's attack." I say. "Yes, I am fine, but you are not." She says. "You liars! You said you wouldn't allow her to get hurt. Shame on you." Nejire half-jokingly half-serious says to the heroes. "C'mon help me up." I say and she nods.

I take the hand that she offers me and stand up. Nejire supports me so as not to fall down. "Y/n, it looks here that you passed. Congratulations!" Nezu says. "Great. So, what now?" I ask. "Now, you will relax with your best friends." Nejire says and drags me away from the pro heroes.

"So, is T-Tamaki going to be there too?" I ask. "Yep. I knew you liked him." Nejire says. "I don't! I just have missed him. I haven't seen him in weeks." I say and receive an ironic "Mhm." From Nejire. I see Togata and Tamaki talking. I wave at them. Togata replies with a wave, but Tamaki shrinks in his place. "Y/n, you were amazing! You were like just wow! Just wonderful." Togata compliments me. "Thank you Togata." I say an lean on Nejire's shoulder, because I am tired. "Y-you w-were v-very g-good y-y/n." Tamaki says, turning a little red. "Thanks." I reply with one word, because if I say more, I will stutter. "So, y/n I see you have come over your anxiety." Togata says and I nod. "Yes. When I am around people, I feel comfortable with, I hardly ever stutter now." I say, proud of myself. I look at Tamaki, who has his head bowed. "D-don't worry T-Tamaki. You will get t-there. It just needs p-practice." I say, putting my hand on his shoulder. We both immediately turn red so I remove my hand. "T-thanks." Tamaki replies and I smile.


My beautiful people! I am back! I have missed you so much! I hope everything is going great with your life! I really hope you enjoyed the chapter and if you did, consider giving it a vote! It means a lot ! Thank you!! <33

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