Chapter 9- The First Casualty of War is the Truth

Start from the beginning

"Who else knows that you're here?" I ask.


"Just, my friends." He says, getting up and walking over to me.

"Is that what we are?" I ask angrily.

"That's up to you." He tells me.

Gunfire suddenly erupts from outside the window, and Fury yells in pain as he is shot several times in the back, falling to the floor.

I glance out the window and see a figure on a roof nearby, but I first drag Fury into a different room.

I'm about to follow the shooter, but he reaches out and stops me, grabbing my hand as pulling me back.

"Dont trust anyone." He chokes out, before falling unconscious.

He lets go of my hand, leaving a USB in my palm.

Knocking suddenly comes from the door, and I can hear Kate on the other side.

"Captain Rogers." She calls, confusing me as she enters my apartment with a gun in her hands.

She sees me, still point ing the gun around my apartment.

"Captain, I'm Agent 13 of SHIELD's Special Service." She says.

"Kate?" I ask in disbelief.

"I'm assigned to protect you." She explains.

"On whose order?" I ask. She spots Fury lying on the ground, lowering her gun.


She goes to him, checking for vital signs before speaking into her radio.

"Foxtrot is down, he's unresponsive." She reports quickly, "I need EMTs."

"Do you have a twenty on the shooter?" A voice responds.

I look out the window, noticing the figure of whoever shot Fury.

"Tell them I'm in pursuit." I say, grabbing my shield and running through my window, into the building across the street.

I roll along the ground, looking up and seeing the shooter in the stairs above me.

I instantly run along after him, following him through the building.

I hold my shield in front of me, running through the offices on the level, breaking through each lino wall.

I jump and run along the wall, turning a corner to try and reach him.

He jumps through a window and onto a lower roof and I follow, throwing my shield his way.

I slow down as it soars towards him, but in one swift movement of his metal arm he catches it.

He turns and looks at me, his eyes smudged with dirt, his mouth covered by a mask. He throws back my shield, and I catch it into my stomach, stunned.

It's him.

The jet warehouse in Russia.

He turns and jumps off the building and I sprint to the edge of the roof, looking down at the street. He's nowhere to be seen, even though he'd jumped off the building seconds ago.

I groan in frustration, gritting my teeth and dropping my shield.

This guy shot Fury.

This guy works with the people who have tortured Zoey.

"Zoey." I whisper inaudiably, my face falling in remembrance. Is she alive?

~ ~ ~

Natasha's POV

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