Start from the beginning

"Please tell me it's not the one in that hint of a red dress."

Syrran remained silent with a smirk on his face.

Riyo widened her eyes. "Syrran Qer."

"Shh, you want to get me killed? Undercover, remember?"

"I didn't know you had a thing for bad girls. Where did you meet, a spice den?"

"Dueling inside a fortress under a mountain steeped in the dark side."


"Who's being a bad girl now?"

"I'm just saying, I was expecting someone a little—"

"Less fitting?"

Riyo rolled her eyes and took a sip of her drink.

At the communications center, Elynn had deactivated the alarms and cameras inside and leading to the Imperial Royal Guard Training Chamber. Gaining access to the scanner remotes, she rerouted them away from Gorin, and clicked on her hidden comlink twice to signal Gorin he was clear.

The Kyuzo opened his eyes, coming out of his second trance, and began to put the lightsaber rifle together, while assembling his lightsaber with the Force. Gorin loaded the weapon and, using the rolled up the bag to brace the gun, aimed at the durasteel plate in front of him.

Having a drink while conversing with some of the guests, Jarriss said, "Surely the terrible events of Antar 4 are a poignant example of the fault in his doctrine."

"Don't let philanthropy override your common sense, doctor," said a colonel. "With the Western Reaches pacification operations concluded last year, and the creation of oversector governors, the Empire can finally achieve lasting peace in the galaxy."

"Colonel Veers knows what he's talking about," said a Grand senator, his three eyes observing each of his companions. "It is thanks to the brave actions of men like him that finally pacified systems like Culroon III and Zaloriis."

"Pacification being a gross use of hyperbole, Senator Aak," Jarriss said.

"Victory by attrition is surely preferable than open war, wouldn't you agree?" said the other officer, a member of the ISB by his uniform. "We all saw what happened during the Great Purge of the Mandalorians."

"Perhaps, Agent Gideon." Jarriss had to keep his feelings in check. "But I don't think wholesale slaughter is a good policy when looking to provide stability."

Something stirred the guests, making them part like a wave with anxious stares. Darth Vader made his entrance, more presence than man, his cape flowing with every decisive step. Though some would bow and salute, the Sith Lord spoke to no one. He surveyed the ballroom near the stage with his hands tucked in his belt. Vader's gaze came to rest on the kyber statue.

"That's him," said Theleema after blowing off the advances of yet another guest.

"You mean the big guy in black armor wearing a cape?" Addia said. "I would have never guessed."

"All we need to do is wait for the Kage."

"I would call that a gross oversimplification."

Syrran studied the Sith from across the room. His infrared vision revealed the extent of Vader's prostheses, leaving him to ponder the irony of the fallen Jedi's destiny. The one prophesized to bring balance to the Force had left it in chaos; the once-great hero had been transformed into a terrible cyborg monster.

A chime informed the guests the ceremony would soon begin. People began to take their seats. The Fourth Sister approached her Master. The three Force-users exchanged a quick knowing look.

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