She checked the contents of her bag but nothing was amiss.

Next was the door. Her heart was beating so loudly. If the door was open her suspicions would be confirmed.

She pulled the handle but someone was holding on to it from outside...


Aden couldn't sleep. Who could blame him? The year had started off very badly for him and even though he had more pressing matters at hand, Aïda was never far from his mind.

He had not been on social media for days. He had no desire to interact with people. Everytime his phone rang his heart would skip a beat or two. The nerves were killing him. This was pure torture.

A knock in the door interrupted his thoughts. It was Tiffany.

"May I come in?"
"Sure. I can't sleep anyway."
"Neither can I."
"Thank you for all your support, Tiffany."
"You would have done the same for me."
"You can go back to New York tomorrow. Your life can't stand still because of me."
"Are you kidding? Right now nothing is more important than being here with you."
"Tiffany, please go back to your life. Please. I'll let you know when the situation changes."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes one hundred percent. There's nothing any of us can do about this situation. "
"Okay. I'll leave tomorrow. Scoot up. I'll sleep next to you. Maybe you'll be able to sleep then."
"No. That's not a good idea. Goodnight."
" Okay...Goodnight, Aden."

Tiffany gave him a fake smile. She was hurt that he was so cold to her even after she had halted her life to support him.


"What are you doing here?"
"Nice to see you too, chomma. May I come in."
"Sure Zoë. Now again, what are you doing here in the middle of the night?"
"I've missed you so I decided to check on you. What's the problem?"
"It's to one in the morning and you're asking me what my problem is."
"Well sorry for disturbing you chomma. I'll go."
"Don't leave. I'm just confused."
"I just came from the airport and wanted to see you. I hoped that you'd still be awake. And you are. Anyway, can I spend the remainder of the night with you? I don't feel like going a cross the city to my place."
"Okay I have to dry my hair first."
"I'll lock the door."
"No Zoë I'll do it. By the way, how did you open the door?"
"It was open, silly. Clearly your O.C.D is easing because the door was unlocked."
"I had locked the door, Zoë."
"You saw for yourself that it was open."

A chill enveloped Aïda but she could tell Zoë anything not without proof. Maybe She was getting old. Who would come into her flat without taking anything? On the other hand, maybe Zoë could offer some information.

"Zoë did you notice anything strange when you were outside?"
"Like what? Do you have a stalker?"

Aïda looked at the door, behind Zoë. She couldn't lie to someone whilst looking into their eyes.

"Oh my word! Do you have a stalker?"
" No! Don't be silly. I just... I thougt I locked the door." She focused on her friend's eyebrows, anything but her eyes.
"Are you sure?"
"Of cause I'm sure. Let me finish my hair and then we can sleep."
"Yeah. It will be interesting sleeping on this tiny bed of yours."
"You can always sleep on the couch."
"Nah, the bed is fine."

Zoë laughed and Aïda joined in, unaware of the figure listening to their conversation.


Aïda was sitting at a table at Tuis Kombuis twelve hours later when Zoë joined.

"Hey chomma. Not cooking today?"
"I'm taking a break. What brings you here?"
"We need to talk, chomma."

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