~"You guys went viral"~

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„Sh¡t I totally forgot about that! I dont know what to do.. I mean sure you could join us but they don't know you but at the same time I dont want you to go..", Ghost said nervously as we put on our clothes. I grabbed their hand and answered: „Its ok.. you were rlly good. Go to the Party.. I will text you later." They kissed me and I walked out of the door quietly. After I was out of the Hall I ran to my Car and immediately blushed when I realized what just happened. I drove to Starbucks were my best friend was working. As she saw me she made me some iced coffee and sat down with me while looking at me with wide opened eyes. „Ok now tell me what happened!", She said excited. „Nothing.. nothing..", I said looking at the table nervously. I didn't know if I was allowed to tell someone. „Oh come on I saw it on Instagram! What happened after the show? Don't even try lying to me!", she almost screamed at me. Looking at her with a shocked face I stuttered: „Wh.. what was on Instagram..?" „Some random girl just took a picture of Devin Sola winking at you while passing you a note after the concert! That post got 15 Million views. You guys went viral and now tell me what happened after the show!", she told me. „Fu<k! That cant be real.. Pls promise me that you wont tell anything ok?", I asked her with puppy dog eyes. She just rolled her eyes and answered: „You rlly thought I would tell someone? I'm your bestfriend since we went to the kindergarten and now you're telling me that you don't trust me?"  "No no no! Thats not what I meant I just wanted to make 100% sure that you will keep it with you.. Ok so we slept together.. twice.", I told her with a calm voice. "Hahaha you rlly want to tell me that you slept together? I'm sorry but thats just too funny", she laughed but when I just looked at her and didn't laugh too she widened her eyes and stopped laughing. "You rlly slept with Devin Sola? Two times???", she stuttered. I just nodded and smiled at her.

You like that don't you? Devin Sola X ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin