𝒸𝒽. 𝟢𝟣𝟢 -- 𝒶 𝒻𝓁𝒶𝓈𝒽 𝑜𝒻 𝓁𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉

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Linh's POV

The curtains rustled and Linh whipped around. Pulling two orbs of water out of the air, Linh readied them just incase someone attacked. She knew it was highly unlikely for the Neverseen to break into Everglen and attack but she still wanted to be ready. Creeping into a hallway, Linh made her way into another room. There were 4 doorways leading off it, minus the one she came in from. Linh decided to go through the second one on the left, entering another corridor. Just when she was about to climb onto the vortinator, footsteps sounded from behind her and a crystal and gold door started to open. Linh leaped down, landing softly on the floor with no sound and ducking behind the pole in the center of stairs spiraling around it. When the person walked out of the room, Linh sprung out, flinging her orbs of water at the person, making them yelp and jump backwards. She made a wall of water, shoving it into the person and only stopping when they said, "Linh! Please, It's me!" Linh drew back, blushing furiously when a completely soaked in water Fitz pushed himself up from the floor. "Sorry," Linh mumbled awkwardly. "It's totally fine." Fitz answered, smoothing his hair back. Linh's heart was beating so loudly that she couldn't hear what Fitz said next over the fast thumps. "Can you repeat that?" Linh asked. "I asked you what were you doing? Because if Biana sent you to set up a prank here for revenge, I'm having a very long talk with her." "So you it WAS you that set up the prank!" Linh exclaimed, making Fitz turn red. "I just gave away myself didn't I?" "Yep! Biana was convinced it was you but me and Sophie weren't so sure. Oh and thats why I'm here. Biana was telling me uh... something and Sophie said she was going to look around the halls but we couldn't find her. Have you seen Sophie?" "No." Fitz answered, running a hand through his hair. "If something happened to her..." Linh looked away. Why couldn't she just get over her crush on Fitz? (I realized there was no Flinh/Litz in the book so here it is!) It was sort of obvious Fitz liked Sophie but something might change since Sophie didn't like Fitz anymore but Linh just wished she could stop liking him! She didn't want to feel the hurt when Fitzphie happened and yet she just couldn't stop herself! Like- "Uh... Linh?" Linh snapped herself back to reality, realizing Fitz was waving a hand in front of her face. "Oh! Uh... Got to go!" She raced away as fast as she could, leaving a confused Fitz behind. Linh made her way back to Biana's room, telling her imparter: "Hail Biana Vacker" and waiting for her to respond. When she didn't, Linh sighed and texted her instead.

(Hopefully you guys will all know who is who!)


Ruler Of Water: Biana?

Queen Bi is inactive

Ruler Of Water: Bi I can't find Soph.

Ruler Of Water: Bi seriously- I need you to answer.

Queen Bi is inactive

Ruler Of Water: I'm gonna go on our group chat so others can see too ok?

Girls Of The Swans

Ruler Of Water: Hey, Anyone seen Soph?

Queen Bi, Lady Fos-boss, Force Field Girl, Ruler Of Fire are inactive

Lady Empath is active

Lady Empath: No? Though I've been home for the whole day and it's not like Foster would come  over here to Sterling Gables. (Anyone mad at me for making Stina sound like Keefe?)

Ruler Of Water: True, I wonder if the boys have seen her.

Lady Empath: What? Has Sophie gone missing again?

Ruler Of Water: Yep!

Lady Empath: Oh then don't worry she's probably just on another one of those missions that she always goes on and ends up making something big happen.

Again - A Sokeefe (KOTLC) Fan FictionKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat