Chapter 14: Gonna Knock His Ass Out

Start from the beginning

Upon seeing Sam set her tray on the table, Aisha speaks up. "Oh, don't even think about it." Sam is disheartened by this. "Come on, I need a place to sit," she pleads. Selena spots her, noticing her blue expression and Aisha's glare. She immediately gets up and makes her way to them. "Oh. You can go sit with Kyler. I hear he doesn't mind that you suck," Aisha spits. Selena arrives just in time to hear this. She gives Aisha a disappointed look before turning to Sam. She sets a gentle hand on Sam's shoulder and softly utters, "Hey, come on. You can sit with me." Her friends know Sam, so they don't believe the rumor nor agree with the misogynistic attitude everyone has toward her now.

Sam glances at her before redirecting her gaze toward Kyler. Her face goes from soft to resentful in a second. She walks away without a word, determined to confront the boy who wronged her. Selena instinctively follows her, wanting to provide her backup. They march toward Kyler, who's happily chatting with a group of friends. Selena stays behind Sam as she reaches Kyler and taps him on the back. The boy whirls around and Sam coldly glares at him. "Think it's funny to spread lies about me?" she accusingly asks, crossing her arms. "What are you talking about? We saw a movie and that's it... Well, maybe I saw a little bit more than you," Kyler responds, smirking sinisterly.

His male companions laugh, making the girls' blood boil. Brucks steps up behind Kyler. "Yeah, we heard you got pretty choked up," he jokes, emitting more cackles from the group. I'm gonna knock his ass out, Selena thinks, balling up her fists. Before she could do anything, Sam reaches forward and swipes a tray from the table. It loudly lands on the floor, capturing the whole cafeteria's attention. A chorus of "ohhh's" sounds throughout the room. Everybody's eyes are on them now. Kyler eyes the tray before looking up at Sam with his signature asshole smirk. His eyes land on Selena and he wants to cower back. If looks could kill, he'd be dead right now.

He keeps his strong appearance, however. Now that his "nice guy" facade in front of Sam is over, he's not as intimidated by Selena anymore. At that moment, Miguel, Demetri, and Eli walk into the eating area with their trays. Kyler faces everyone and announces, "Hey, guys!" This catches the trio's attention. "You know that billboard with that big ass dick on it? I guess Sam takes after her uncle," Kyler declares. Students react with "ohhh" again, laughter erupting everywhere. This angers both girls. Insulting me is one thing but insulting my uncle... Sam thinks. Meanwhile, Selena thinks about how he insulted her cousin AND her father. He's a goner.

They both make a fist, getting ready to hit Kyler. A new voice jumps in before anything happens. "Hey, Kyler!" Everyone turns to see Miguel dropping his tray on the table. He approaches the scene with a menacing facial expression. "Why don't you shut the hell up and stop being such an asshole?" he challenges. Kyler's friends stand up, stepping closer to Miguel. Selena's jaw slightly drops, surprised by Miguel's bravery. Kyler steps toward him with a smug grin. "Want another beatdown, 'Rhea?" he taunts, harshly shoving him. Selena instantly becomes furious when he puts his hands on him.

She takes a step forward but Sam pulls her back. "No, wait," she whispers to her. Selena listens, even though she wants to go defend Miguel so badly. The kids at the nearby tables stand up and move out of the way, sensing that a fight's about to initiate. Miguel just rolls his eyes but doesn't react. "I'm ready for your lame ass karate this time," Kyler mocks, pushing him again. Miguel stumbles into the table behind him but quickly straightens back up. "It's not lame ass karate..." he trails off. Kyler throws a punch at him but Miguel swiftly blocks it, holding his arm back. Selena's jaw drops, impressed and relieved at the same time.

"It's Cobra Kai," Miguel states before punching Kyler in the face. Kyler stumbles back and touches his nose, enraged at the sight of blood on his fingers. He glares at Miguel and runs at him, tackling him. He lands with his back on the table behind him with a loud thud before Kyler grabs him again by his sweater and flings him to the table behind him. He puts Miguel in a headlock and drags him off the table. Miguel struggles a bit against him until he elbows him in the side, making him let go. Miguel grabs his arm and moves under it before striking Kyler in the face. He doubles over so Miguel spins into a kick, getting him right in the back.

Kyler collapses to the ground and Selena watches in shock. Well, it looks like the lessons paid off, she thinks. Out of nowhere, Aisha shrieks, "no mercy!" Selena gives her a confused look, wondering where this bloodthirst came from. Sam pulls her out of the way as Brucks swings at Miguel from behind. Sensing this, Miguel ducks and slides his leg around, tripping the blonde boy. Two more of Kyler's friends try to attack him so Miguel takes them down punch by punch and kick by kick. He runs to a table up ahead and rolls over it, grasping a tray. A boy runs at him from the side so he kicks the chair next to him, making it crash into the guy.

He uses the tray to hit his attackers, making them all fall to the ground in defeat. I'd help him but it seems like he's got it, Selena thinks as she observes the writhing guys on the floor. All of a sudden, Kyler gets up and zooms toward Miguel. Miguel runs to a nearby table, where Brucks happens to be by. He steps on Brucks's back and hops on top of the table, landing on his knee. Just as he does, Kyler runs up and tries to hit him, so he kicks him in the chest before striking him in the face with the tray in his hands. Kyler finally goes down and everyone in the cafeteria begins cheering and applauding. Selena glances at Kyler on the floor before giving Miguel a starry-eyed gaze.

What she doesn't realize is that Sam is gazing at him the same way. Miguel looks around the cafeteria, surprised to see people recording and cheering him on. His eyes land on Selena and he grins when he sees the soft expression on her face. She mouths a "good job," smiling proudly at him. His smile grows but quickly disappears when Ethan appears at the girl's side. Selena's head snaps to her left when she feels a hand on her back. "Hey, are you okay?" Ethan asks her. The girl nods, assuring him that she's alright. Miguel's eyes dart to Sam when he looks away from the couple and he notices the way she's staring at him.

Sam smiles when they make eye contact, causing the corners of his lips to slightly curl up. He's seen her around before, he thought she was beautiful when he first saw her. However, when he saw Selena right after, he decided that she was the prettiest girl he's ever seen. He was immediately drawn to her. Although it doesn't matter because she already has somebody. Perhaps his heart would be spared if he focused on someone else. Someone whose heart is available. Selena turns back to Miguel, taking note of the awestruck look on his face. She follows his line of vision, realizing that he's staring at Sam. She glances at her cousin beside her, perceiving the way she's staring back at the boy.

Her face falls as she looks between the two. An unpleasant feeling fills her chest as she observes the way they're gazing at each other. They finally end their staring contest when Counselor Blatt storms over. "Hey!" she shrieks, marching up to Miguel. "Get down from there right now!" she scolds, clasping his wrist and pulling him down from the table. The students whine as they watch her drag him away before erupting in cheers again. Selena's heart feels a bit heavy as her eyes follow him and she doesn't know why. Meanwhile, Sam feels light, like she's levitating. Ethan snakes his arm around Selena's waist, gently pulling her in his direction. "Come on, let's go sit down," he softly suggests.

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