Chapter 18: Rite of Descencion

Start from the beginning

12th Harbinger got easily distracted from the conversation due to Childe's ability to manipulate. He was speaking in a very persuasive voice, making the brunette on the other side of the wall realize just how much she still has to learn...

The conversation was going to end, so Zanni left the main hall of the bank, heading to her office – the place where she originally wanted to go. Nearly the very moment she sat down on in her chair, she got a knock on her door.

"Come in."

Familiar ginger head peaked inside, happy smile on his face.

"Well, hello there!"

"Hi hi... You seem unusually happy. Care to share the reasons with me?" Charlotte asked with her eyebrow risen.

"No need to play around with me, girlie~! I know you've been listening to mine and Traveler's conversation."

Charlotte blushed in embarrassment.

"Yeah, alright, you caught me."

11th Harbinger smiled with proud smile, crossing his arms on his chest.

"As far as I saw, you two get along well too, right?"

"I guess we do, yeah. Don't go stealing my part of this mission though. I want to take part here as well, so let me be the one who's collecting information about her." Charlotte sighed, taking a piece of paper to write on.

"I'm not doing that, this part is your job. All I did was play nicely around her so she'd begin trusting me. That's how I will get information where exuvia, the corpse off Rex Lapis is held later on. Perfect opportunity to steal gnosis."

Charlotte looked at him impressed to no end with his plan. He truly was amazing in doing his job. It made her even more embarrassed and motivated to learn more and more. She needed to get better. After all, Tsaritsa expects a lot from her in this mission...

"I see..."

"Why so down all of sudden? Did I say something wrong?" Childe got slightly worried, looking at the girl in front of him.

"No, just... You're so good at this... And to think it's my part of the mission... I feel useless now..." girl sighed.

"Hey now." Ginger head came closer, sitting on the corner of her desk. "Don't be like that. You're not useless. Don't forget that you just became one of the Harbingers, it's normal that your missions won't be as difficult for now."

"But... I want to be part of it... Her Majesty expects a lot from me... I don't want to be a disappointment..." she sighed again, this time really sadly.

Childe stayed quiet for a moment.

"Hey... If you want to take part in so badly... I have a task for you."

Zanni's eyes immediately lit up, looking up at her friend.

"Yes? What is it? What do I need to do? When? How?"

"Woah woah, calm down there. So, you heard our conversation, yes? When Traveler comes back, they'll most likely come back and report about their journey to me... This information is okay, but pretty useless in plans of stealing gnosis..."

"You said Rex Lapis' body, exuvia... Huh... If he is dead, Liyue qixing most likely will hide the body or try to organise Rite of Parting instead of funeral... They can't just leave it in the terrace forgotten, but nor they can get rid of it themselves... Which means, wanting to know where the exuvia and gnosis are hidden, we need..."

"Someone from Funeral Parlor." Childe had a playful smile on his lips as he finished her sentence. "And you call yourself useless... Your thinking and strategizing is amazing. Well done!" He ruffled her hair.

"H-Hey, no need to mess it all up for me!" Brunette tried her best to get his hand off of her head and fix her now messy dark brown locks.

"Haha, sorry. Anyway, if you want it so badly, I will leave this part to you. Get some relations in Wangsheng Funeral Parlor for us. You'll help out in our mission a lot this way."

"Okay! Right on it!" Charlotte jumped from her chair ready to run straight to the Parlor Childe was talking about.

"Hey, where are you going? It's no hurry..." Tartaglia's voice was quick to stop her.

"H-Huh... But... But what about... Mission?" Charlotte turned around, looking at him confused.

"Relax. You can do it tomorrow. As for now, let's go grab something for dinner. Traveler will most likely take a while dealing with Adepti. I heard those creatures are prideful, so it must be a real hassle to handle"

"Oh... Alright... Let me grab some money before."

"Nah-ah, my treat."

"As you say, Tartaglia."

Despite her colleague and friend stopping her from doing her job today, Charlotte couldn't wait to visit the funeral parlor he was talking about. She wanted to be a part of mission so badly. Girl wanted to prove that she at least is capable of doing something and is not entirely useless.

On other hand, doing so also meant she'll be taking a part in a crime... So was it really a good thing?

Fatui now started to seem like a good whospreads evil...

Whale and Dragonfly // OC x Childe Genshin Impact fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now