Chapter 35: Resolutions

Start from the beginning

"Well I am in my 5th year so..."

"Just take my word for it then," I said back and was grateful to see him accept this fact. 

"You know Nott's going to think you're trying to avoid offending your friends by not joining," He warned as he held the door open to the potions classroom. Inside, I could hear plenty of students getting settled for class. I gave him a knowing look.

"I get it," I said simply. "And as you already know, I don't care. It's one of the few things I take after my mother. Her lack of caring what other people think of her."

"Well," he began after a moment as we walked into the classroom. "If your mother heard that you bit people..."

"Not another word or I swear to merlin," I muttered in a dangerous whisper to his stupid grin before walking on to our table and sitting down. Thankfully, Draco didn't bring it up again, or at least not in Potions.

That evening in the common room, Sam and I were busy avoiding homework for a change as well as the silver group down below by the fireplace. We had found a comfortable spot to sit in the upstairs area where other students sat doing homework.

Sam had been telling me about the latest disaster Rinny-Tin-Tin had created over the holidays when Theo spotted us and walked up to cause trouble.

"You know, most people like to avoid their siblings at school. Not gravitate towards them," Sam said as my brother sat down on the arm of my chair. He gave Sam a smug look before turning on me accusingly.

"Did you go to that Umbridge meeting I've been hearing so much about?"

"Umbridge meeting?" Sam repeated, sounding ignorant. "Sounds like a waste of time."

"It was," I confirmed, turning back to my brother with his answer. He looked personally offended at this news but knowing Theo's normal dramatics, it was all for show.

"And after all the work I showed to make Umbridge like me, I never got an invite. Perhaps the owl in question met an unlikely end."

"It was spread by word of mouth."

"And you didn't tell me?" He said with a flick to my face. "I would have loved to crash that party."

"Well you were obviously not wanted," I muttered as I rubbed my cheek ruefully. "You would have gotten detention." He swatted that away like it was nothing.

"When do I not have detention?"

"Honestly it's a miracle he's still in Quidditch granted all the practice he's missed."

"It's called multitasking, Sam. All deep-minded individuals have the skill."

"If you call your mediocre quidditch playing a skill, sure," Sam shot back levelly. My brother only stared back with a slow spreading grin I didn't like.

"Won't you just leave us alone already?" I begged before pushing my brother off my chair. "You've given us more than enough of your time. Go find one of your quidditch buddies or something."

"But Sam is one of my quidditch buddies," Theo mocked, while Sam rolled her eyes and turned to her homework.

"You can't claim her. I already have. Now leave."

"Not until you tell me what happened at that meeting."

"Umbridge is starting a snobbier group of students that make prefects look tame," Sam stated from above her nonexistent essay. I looked at her full traitor but Sam was watching my brother.

"And you signed on to it?" Theo questioned aghast. I frowned and shook my head.

"You think I have the time for that?"

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