Chapter 33: Mixed Signals

Start from the beginning

"You're not ditching us, are you?" Ella asked to my back. I grabbed the small parcel and zipped my bag.

"I promise to come back in a moment and explain. I just have to talk to someone-"

"Malfoy. You're going off to talk to Malfoy," Sam cut in, making me dead pan and eye her warily.

"I don't think you were this annoying before break. Are you sure your grandmother didn't spike you with something?"

"Only her love and affection," Sam responded with an odd smile that had Ella and I share a quick glance before I walked out.

Draco was waiting like I suspected, a few doors down. He was still in his day clothes, a black jacket with matching slacks and a collar that cut inward, exposing his jawline. I actually really liked this look and said so the moment he saw me walking up to him.

"My mother will be happy to hear that," he said back before pulling me in. The kiss that followed was gentle but not special.

"Let's not talk about your mother of all things," I said, braking away first. "It's weird. "

"Don't care," was all he said before drawing me in again.

"I have something for you," I said, pushing back quickly. If he thought I was being odd, he didn't show it as his gaze immediately went to the parcel I pulled out of my robes.

"Was I hard to shop for?" He asked with a sly smirk as he took it from me. I gave him another warily look and shook my head.

"Easy actually."

He unwrapped a small book with leather backing and black cursive spelling out Alchemy and Potions: Steps to Brilliance.

He frowned at the book before looking up at me.

"I don't need this, I'm already rather brilliant at potions-"

"But not Alchemy," I pointed out before taking the book from him and turning to a page down the spine. "The French are obsessed with Alchemy. How you can turn a disease into a cure, silver into gold, death into life. I'm honestly shocked you've never dabbled into it before." I was amused by how quickly Draco took the book from me and pocketed it.

"My great grandfather was interested in Alchemy, not that it matters. Why my girlfriend thought giving me a book was a good idea is baseless-"

"If you don't like the book, you can give it back, for I'm sure I'll get some use out of it," I said with a snap in warning. I extended my hand as proof but Draco swatted my hand away.

"Oh I see. You were trying to get me to give you the book all along. Didn't want to admit you need it to do better than me in potions, is that it?"

He was smiling impishly at me before taking something from his other pocket and placing it in hand. It was a film capsule that looked oddly familiar. The memory clicked a moment later.

"My camera! You took my film from last Christmas!" I muttered in horror as he looked from me to the window of scenes rolling by with a growing smile. "This isn't a present! If anything it's returning what was always mine!"

"You're the one who forgot about an entire reel of film," he pointed out with a knowing glance, making me go silent. I squinted my eyes at him and shook the film in his direction.

"And you have the audacity to make fun of my present. At least I bought you something."

"Right, when I get to the end of the book, I'll make sure to let you know of how much I loved it."

The gloating look on his face almost broke my glare.


"Fine, have at it then," he broke down, turning away from the window and to me, with something wrapped in blue tissue in his left hand. "But don't bend it, I want to make a copy for myself."

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