"I didn't agree to it either," Robin said bluntly as he turned around to face them once again.

"You couldn't get enough of her earlier, no one was allowed to touch her." Robin rolled his eyes. "With a guest such as the Merryweather siblings you honestly think I would trust any of you common lot with helping. Especially the eldest, the entire valley knows the tricks you would try." The group of men oh'd at their leader's remark.

One nodded and agreed. "You were right to think that. I quite fancy the older one myself. What was her name? Const-" before he could finish his sentence the boy was pinned against the wall with Robin's arm at his throat. "Go on, say her name. I dare you." His friend's eyes were wide and the group behind him had gone deathly silent Robin was unsure if they were there at all. "Gee mate I'm sorry. Calm down will ya?"

"You are nowhere near the social standing that she is yes, she is our prisoner and it is my duty to maintain her safety and security despite our clan's feelings towards her family. Do not test me again. Is that clear?" His friend nodded vigorously so Robin sauntered off.

Robin was careful where he walked for the next few minutes and was far more alert of his surroundings. Happy that nobody was tailing him, Robin quietly made his way down the long hallway. A lone door stood at the end and led to a study. This room was only used by De Noir family members meaning himself and his father as times had changed since a few years ago.

Robin quietly shut the door as well as remembered to lock it and then stood beside it for a few moments listening for footsteps or any other signs of movement. But nothing happened, everything was silent. The only noise to be heard was the low whistle of the draft that managed to gain entry through the slight crack underneath the door.

The room itself was only accessible by family members due to the contents that could be accessed through it. Yes, there was a usual doorway however for personal matters the De Noirs were always known to not share anything. Robin walked towards the window noticing how the sun was remarkably low meaning that dusk was fast approaching. Below the window were three certain stones that needed to be pulled in the correct order to reach a private library that held the most important documents and books owned by his clan.

Crouching down on his knees Robin's hands brushed against the cold sandy coloured stone. It had been years since he had used this specific entrance as he had no need in reading books. He'd always felt much better in the open forest however, Robin would never forget the password to any of the halls or secret rooms as he remembered his father's rage every time that he would have to repeat himself.

His hands carefully pulled out the correct stones and remembered the specific order in which to do so. As soon as the final one had been released from the embrace of the other stones, the bookshelf to his right began to move. It had turned 90 degrees and revealed a small dark room with no windows.

Robin rose from the ground and wandered to an unlit candle with a matchstick beside it. His fingers gripped the match and slid it against the rough stone wall in order to light it. Successful on his first attempt he quickly lit the candle before waving the match a few times to put out the small flame.

Robin walked carefully into the small room and lit every candle he could in order to attempt to see what he was doing. Happy with the light he quickly blew out the candle in his hand and threw it onto the table hastily as the hot wax met his hand. An oak book easel stood tall opposite the doorway with a single book placed on it.

The book had been handcrafted and despite its rugged cover, the detailing was incredible. This was the very book that Robin had told Constance about. The book cover had been made using tree bark which was smoothed down to allow different flowers to be hand-painted on. Robin could easily identify the types from his time in the forest. There were roses, sweet peas, snowdrops and forget me nots. The young bandit admired the work and once again his mind wandered to the eldest Merryweather in the dungeons below. This is something that she would do. He thought to himself and smiled.

Without a moment to waste Robin opened the delicate book.

What have I done? How can I move on from such a burden? Mother nature herself yearns for peace and yet I know it will take a great deal for there to be again. My own family have rejected me and I could not look at my beloved in the same way... so I ran. Here I sit in the once beautiful forest. It now seems dark and sad.

The valley is cursed due to the pride that plagues both my own family and the man I so longed to marry. The De Noir and Merryweather families have darkened hearts and I yearn for them to be bright once again. I  do so wish that I could share my personal happiness with each and everyone but I have none left to give.

So here I must stay. I must pray for them. I must pray that mother nature reverses the curse that I helped create. I cannot have the blood of innocents in years to come on my hands. Even 5000 moons will not be enough to stop the hatred.

If there was a time in which a fairytale was to come true, I wish for it to be in this story. I wish for good to overcome the evil within their hearts.

There will be many Moon Princesses in the years to come whether that be like myself, from the De Noir family, or even the Merryweathers but I hope with my whole heart that one of them will succeed where I have so miserably failed.

Whomever the Moon Princess may be in each generation may she heed my warning – do not fall to the greed and power that those among you have. You are not only trying to save the valley but yourself as well.

Work carefully and try to restore the peace between the families. Love is the most powerful weapon of all and it will prevail only if you believe it.

The pearls of which is referred to as a timepiece must be kept safe. Each pearl that falls is a key – keep them close. Be warned each pearl will symbolise a day. When there are none left... you will be too late to stop the fury which Mother Nature wishes to lash out upon the valley.

Keep those you love close, but your enemies closer I remember hearing my father say. In his context I disagree, but my own you must remember. You have to love and cherish each moment with your own family, but you must strive to repair the deep wound which has been created. At first, it will be with who at you might see as an enemy but no I say. Let your own pride go. Learn to love.

Robin scanned the pages noticing two drawings in particular. One was the pearls that had created this whole mess and the other was a hair-comb with pearls attached. The latter looked awfully familiar to him.

Reading on, Robin was saddened when he saw how the first Moon Princess struggled. She spoke of a place which she made with the help of Mother Nature but each entry becomes less and less eligible as her mind led her to a dark place.

Each pearl that falls is a key? Let your pride go, learn to love? Robin thought. Needless to say, he was confused as he attempted to put the puzzle together, but he was struggling until something he remembered sprung to mine. Constance had been in such a frenzy about that headpiece on her dressing table. Robin's eyes widened as a thought appeared. His hands brushed hurriedly across the pages until he reached what he wanted. Now he knew why he recognised the hair-comb. It was exactly like the one in Constance's fiery hair so often. She was right... he whispered to himself before closing the book in annoyance

Robin made sure to put everything back exactly how he had found it. Enough was enough. This curse had to be stopped. He had to do the right thing for his family and for Constance. He liked her too much to let her go. And with that thought in his mind, Robin unlocked the door, did a final check of the room and then stealthily navigated himself around the castle halls again.

He was going to get them out. 

Moonbeam - A Robin De Noir Story (The Secret of Moonacre)Where stories live. Discover now