"You aren't. I didn't- no. Dream and Eret didn't see you and misread you. Dream and Eret saw something in you. A fire. You don't dare let that jerk put it out. I saw it when you went on your first mission. You're holding back.

Stop it."

Ranboo stared at him, with his mouth lightly opened.

'A fire...?'

Papa J cupped his cheek with his hand.

'A flame...?'

"Fluctuat nec mergitur, mea vita." He smiled; a smile like you give your friend across a silent room as he pushed back Ranboo's hair.


As he walked to the door to open it and leave Ranboo be, he looked at them solemnly. "Aequam memento rebus in arduis servare mentem."

The door closed.

'Fluctuat nec mergitur...tossed by waves...don't...sink.'


'Don't. Sink.'

Ranboo broke eye contact with the doorknob and slowly sat up. He gripped the sides of the tub and slowly raised himself.

As they stood on their left leg, they raised their right, and re-attached the straps to the sling.

"I'm better than this." He said out loud as he squirted his body wash onto his loofa. After rinsing off, he turned off the water and opened the shower curtain. He then undid the latches.

Grabbing a towel, they wrapped it around their torso and it reached their knees. He clipped it so that it wouldn't fall down with a binder clip that was on the picture above the towel rack.

'Now. Ranboo, how're getting over the lip of this tub?' They looked around the bathroom and locked their eyes on the shower curtain rod.

'Ah, Dream'll laugh at me so much if I fall on my face.' He laughed to himself. Bracing themself, they jumped with all the power in their left leg and grabbed the rod. With the force, he swung forward and let go as he started going back towards the wall behind him. They landed on his good leg with both hands on the bathroom counter.

'Oh thank the gods that that worked.' He grabbed his crutches and opened the front door. While he walked to his THOR#185 (Temporary home of resident #185) he called out; "Nurse Amelia! I'm out of the shower!" She came rushing down the hallway, feeling obligated to help Ranboo with even the smallest things.

People said that he walked with confidence- no; with sureness after this. Contentment, maybe.

The kids they grew up with, such as Eret and Aimsey, liked teasing them by saying they had a straighter stride.

Phil, in turn, always pointed out how that was mean; a reminder that they might end up with a limp. That it was a miracle that his legs worked at all.

Dream didn't think Ranboo would let a limp stop him from having a straighter stride.

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