Chapter 28

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Narrator's POV

They keep swinging their blades never minding their exhausting bodies. All they could think is defeat the enemy, even if it costs their lives. Kanao for the first time in her life felt guilty for not helping them fight  thanks to the demon who snapped her sword, she can't fight.

"I am going to admit that you three are strong unlike the normal ones but I am the strongest" Sano admitted. He underestimated them because he thought that they are like the other normal demon slayers but he was mistaken. They keep fighting, chanting their own breaths and focusing their own attacks.

Meanwhile, Nezuko began to feel something that makes her wanted to go inside the estate. She went inside without her brother's permission. Shocked when she got inside seeing human blood scattered unto the floor, she resist herself from drinking it and walked through the corrider until she reached the dojo room. She found Shinobu unconscious while Hikari holding a knife and was about to kill Shinobu.

She dashed and covered Shinobu from her attack, quickly carried her to evade Hikari's useless attacks. Nezuko can't fight her because she is a human.

"Come back here, I need to kill that woman" Nezuko ignored her, used her Blood Demon Art to remove what's inside Shinobu. Hikari was pissed, charged at Nezuko again but she failed again. Then someone hit her neck and she fainted.

"Hhhmm!" she mumbled through her bamboo muzzle.

"Good job, Nezuko" Giyuu patted her proudly patted her head, glanced at Shinobu. He gently embraced Shinobu and whispered "I apologise for being late. I'll make that bastard pay after what he had done to you, Shinobu."

The girls shivered in fear, seeing their friends lying on the ground.

"Weak, fragile humans. I loathe humans so much, I am so grateful that I became a strong demon. The strongest demon. You humans die early and easy because you're so weak" he said, looking down to the lying bodies.

"Shut up you piece of trash" Inosuke mumbled but Sano heard him said it.

"Huh? You are the trash one here. In the end, only the strongest survive in this cruel world" Sano raised his sword, a familiar presence came behind his back. The one he's been waiting for.

"I'm afraid you're mistaken, Sano" the demon looked over to his shoulder, his eyes narrowed in disappointment. "Tch, I knew it. Hikari is a weak pest who demands and gets in my way, thanks to her my plan failed" he madly thought, regretted recruiting Hikari for his plan.

"Mistaken what? You have no right to deny what I said, its reality and you're late"

"I'm sorry for being late, Tanjiro, Zenitsu, Inosuke. Leave the rest to me" Giyuu said, looking at them one by one. He placed Shinobu to where the girls stayed.

"Now this battle is between you and me" Sano grinned manically.

They stared each others eyes and instantly vanished into the thin air. Swinging their blades, Sano heals quickly, Giyuu got scratched by him but he continues to swing his blade at him. Giyuu hold his breath and chanted his new form.

Water Breathing Twelfth Form: Gigantic waves of Tsunami

Giyuu gripped firmly to his sword, he jumped high accompanied by a waves and dropped the heavy waves to Sano.

"What the?! He got stronger than before" he was surprised by Giyuu's strong attack. Then he evily grinned.

"Entertain me more, Tomioka Giyuu!" Sano shouted.

Water Breathing Forth Form: Striking Tide

Sano evaded his attack and healed himself. It was his turn.

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