Chapter 27

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Narrator's POV

Jairo's cloned attacked the two slayers, making them feel exhausted. The night was still young. The battle between the demon and the slayers was intense, more intense than the Upper Moon Six. To Zenitsu, the current Lower Moon they're battling now was more stronger than the past Lower Moon One.

"Dammit, his clones are so annoying" he jumped high and chanted his breathing form.

Beast Breathing, Fifth Fang: Crazy Cutting

Inosuke slices his clones in all directions.

"Monitsu, we need a new strategy" he called out.

"I know, let's run directly to the enemy. I'll cover for you and you'll slice his neck, just like before" he stated his plan.

"Cool, let's go" Inosuke ran towards the enemy while Zenitsu covered him and slicing the clones. Jairo clenched his teeth in annoyance and anger.

Blood Demon Art: Poisonous Shards of Death

Beast Breathing, Second Fang: Slice

He successfully sliced his four tails and swing immediately towards the neck.

Beast Breathing, Third Fang: Devour

"Do you think you can slice my head that easily? I'm afraid you're wrong" Jairo opened his mouth pouring all of his energy at the center of his mouth.


Stage A: Voice of the Poisonous Shards

"Gross!!!" Inosuke form a disgusted face behind his mask. Hundreds of shards came out and attacked Inosuke.

Zenitsu quickly grabbed him out of the enemy. Many shards sticks to Inosuke's arms and body. Jairo aimed his mouth to the slayers and fired all the shards out of his filthy mouth. Zenitsu hurriedly dashed away from Jairo's range.

"Looks like Jairo's having a hard time" Sano thought. "Even if I gave so much of my blood to him, he can't kill them immediately. How weak" he added and turned to the Insect Pillar.

Shinobu was lying on the floor, purple veins popped and visible on her body and coughing vigorously. Sano was happy seeing her like that, a human suffers makes him glad so much. He didn't care.

"Y-you..... are the man who wears the fox mask, am I right?" Shinobu spoke.

"What makes you think that I am that man?" he asked.

"Your hair, it's the same as his" he just chuckled evilly.

"No, I'm not. The man who wears the fox mask was none other than Tomioka Giyuu" her eyes widened at his statement.

"If you still had doubts, why don't you ask him yourself?" Sano added, smiling revealing his marvelous fangs. She was about to answer him, she coughed a huge amount of blood that came out from her mouth.

"There's no way it's him" she remembered all of his actions and doubted that it's him. But then, she realized something. The words they say are the same.

"Hikari, keep your eyes on her. I'm going to check on Jairo first" he commanded.

"Understood" she replied respectfully.

Zenitsu and Inosuke were lying on the ground, trying to move but they couldn't, it was the poison made them weak and immobilised. The girls were tearing up seeing their friends injured and couldn't help but cry in fear.

"Pathetic. Weak. Pests" Jairo said.

He prepared himself to kill the girls and dashed towards them.

Dance of the Fire God: Dance

Tanjiro successfully sliced his neck. Jairo was confused and surprised that his head was flying over.

"What the? Where did he come from? He just popped out of nowhere. Dammit, Dammit, Dammit!" he mentally screamed.

"Nezuko, please help Zenitsu and Inosuke" his sister ran first to Zenitsu and used her Blood Demon Art to remove the poison then she did the same to Inosuke.

"Tanjiro-san" the three hugged him. Aoi just ran to the boarhead boy and assist him.

"Nezuko-chan!!!! Thank goodness you save me" crying Zenitsu, hugging the demon.

"Kanao!!" he went to the girl unconsciously lying on the ground.

"Nezuko!!!" her sister went to him and nodded, knowing what to do. After she removed her poison, her eyes wide opened and blushed furiously.


"Kanao!! I'm glad you're fine" she was speechless. Flustered that the man she likes holding her like a princess. Tanjiro noticed this, heat creeps into his soft cheeks.

"I'm s-sorry" he then let her go gently and examined the surroundings.

"I SAID I'M FINE! I'M NOT INJURED!" Inosuke yelled. Aoi didn't replied to him, she just wrapped the bandage around his torso. He was about to tear the bandages she wrapped for him, she slapped his back.

"Calm down, will you? Please, let me do this as a thank you you saved me earlier" he just calmed down and let her do what she want.

"Annoying brat, shrimp, pigtails" irritated Inosuke muttered.

"What? Did you say something?"

"Nothing" he said. She just smile to herself.

"So disappointing" they glanced to the certain person who said those words. But it isn't a person, it's a demon.
To protect those they're with,the three slayers prepared a defense stance. Sano began to unseathed his sword.

"Listen you three, Sano is a Water Breathing user just like me and sensei plus he's a poison user. His reflexes are way faster than ours and.... I decided that you won't fight him" melancholic Giyuu said.

"W-why?" the three asked in unison. Giyuu didn't give them an answer. Instead, he walked away from them, leaving them confused and disappointed.

"Why did he change his mind?" Zenitsu asked.

"I don't know" Tanjiro replied.

"Yeah, why did he change his mind? Does that mean this training is all meaningless?" tempered Inosuke asked, smoke came out of his boar mask.

"No, I don't understand but...." he paused for a moment.

"But what?" Tanjiro didn't continue his sentence and just fell silent.

"AAARRGHHH!!! I don't understand him at all" annoyed Inosuke crossed his arms. "Did he think that we're weak?" he added.

"No, it's not like that. We misunderstood something" Tanjiro replied.

"Like what?"

"I.... have no idea. This training isn't meaningless and if we don't use it on the battle against the Upper Moon Two, the time we spent in the training will not be paid off and it will be useless. Giyuu-san ordered us to back off but I'm going to defy it" Tanjro said confidently.

"We're with you, Gonpachiro"

"Let's help Giyuu-san beat Sano" the three agreed and worked together.

Sano chuckled "This is going to be easy"

"Don't underestimate us, trash" Insouke bravely exclaimed.

"Inosuke, Zenitsu, let's go"

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